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2nd ICML Workshop on New Frontiers in Adversarial Machine Learning

Sijia Liu ยท Pin-Yu Chen ยท Dongxiao Zhu ยท Eric Wong ยท Kathrin Grosse ยท Baharan Mirzasoleiman ยท Sanmi Koyejo

Ballroom A

Fri 28 Jul, 11:50 a.m. PDT

Given the success of AdvML-inspired research, we propose a new edition from our workshop at ICMLโ€™22 (AdvML-Frontiersโ€™22), โ€˜The 2nd Workshop on New Frontiers in AdvMLโ€™ (AdvML-Frontiersโ€™23). We target a high-quality international workshop, coupled with new scientific activities, networking opportunities, and enjoyable social events. Scientifically, we aim to identify the challenges and limitations of current AdvML methods and explore new prospective and constructive views for next-generation AdvML across the full theory/algorithm/application stack. As the sequel to AdvML-Frontiersโ€™22, we will continue exploring the new frontiers of AdvML in theoretical understanding, scalable algorithm and system designs, and scientific development that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. We will also add new features and programs in 2023. First, we will expand existing research themes, particularly considering the popularity of large foundational models (e.g., DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, and ChatGPT). Examples of topics include AdvML for prompt learning, counteracting AI-synthesized fake images and texts, debugging ML from unified data-model perspectives, and โ€˜greenโ€™ AdvML towards environmental sustainability. Second, we will organize a new section, AI Trust in Industry, by inviting industry experts to introduce the practical trend of AdvML, technological innovations, products, and societal impacts (e.g., AIโ€™s responsibility). Third, we will host a Show-and-Tell Demos in the poster session to allow demonstrations of innovations done by research and engineering groups in the industry, academia, and government entities. Fourth, we will collaborate with โ€˜Black in AIโ€™ (where Co-Organizer Dr. Sanmi Koyejo is serving as the president) to increase the presence and inclusion of Black people in the field of AdvML by creating spaces for sharing ideas and networking.

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Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
