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Workshop: 2nd ICML Workshop on New Frontiers in Adversarial Machine Learning

DiffScene: Diffusion-Based Safety-Critical Scenario Generation for Autonomous Vehicles

Keywords: [ Diffusion Models ] [ Safety-Critical Scenario Generation ] [ Adversarial Optimization ]


The field of Autonomous Driving (AD) has witnessed significant progress in recent years. Among the various challenges faced, the safety evaluation of autonomous vehicles (AVs) stands out as a critical concern. Traditional evaluation methods are both costly and inefficient, often requiring extensive driving mileage in order to encounter rare safety-critical scenarios, which are distributed on the long tail of the complex real-world driving landscape. In this paper, we propose a unified approach, Diffusion-Based Safety-Critical Scenario Generation (DiffScene), to generate high-quality safety-critical scenarios which are both realistic and safety-critical for efficient AV evaluation. In particular, we propose a diffusion-based generation framework, leveraging the power of approximating the distribution of low-density spaces for diffusion models. We design several adversarial optimization objectives to guide the diffusion generation under predefined adversarial budgets. These objectives, such as safety-based objective, functionality-based objective, and constraint-based objective, ensure the generation of safety-critical scenarios while adhering to specific constraints. Extensive experimentation has been conducted to validate the efficacy of our approach. Compared with 6 SOTA baselines, DiffScene generates scenarios that are (1) more safety-critical under 3 metrics, (2) more realistic under 5 distance functions, and (3) more transferable to different AV algorithms. In addition, we demonstrate that training AV algorithms with scenarios generated by DiffScene leads to significantly higher performance in terms of the safety-critical metrics compared to baselines. These findings highlight the potential of DiffScene in addressing the challenges of AV safety evaluation, paving the way for more efficient and effective AV development.

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