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The Thirty-Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning
Sun Jul 17th through Sat the 23rd
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore MD
Sponsor Expo on Sun Jul 17


Change in location: ICML 2023 has changed locations and will now be held in Honolulu, Hawai'i from July 23rd - July 29th. After much consideration, this change was made in light of uncertainty regarding COVID-19 and its possible implications on travel, attendance, and financial consequences. We look forward to holding the conference in Seoul in 2026, after Vienna in 2024 and Vancouver in 2025. We are in the process of finalizing discounted group hotel blocks, which will be listed soon.

Health Awareness  We strongly encourage attendees to wear masks, be vaccinated, and to social distance. We will follow all government and venue guidelines. Face shields will be available for poster presenters; masks will be available for registrants and strongly encouraged. If you are having any Covid symptoms, we ask that you stay home or at your hotel.

Baltimore Convention Center is Global Biorisk Adivory Counsil (GBAC) certified. The facility uses Merv 16 Air Filters and Bipolar Ionization for improved air quality. The staff is focused on cleanliness and disinfecting regularly with electrostatic sprayers and EPA approved chemicals. Additionally, there are hand sanitizing stations and wipes available throughout the convention center. 

Statement on Ukraine

March 9, 2022: The ICML community is deeply concerned by the recent invasion of Ukraine. We express our solidarity and support for all the people of Ukraine and for all those who have been adversely affected by this war. 

We plan to proceed with paper selection and conference organization as originally scheduled. Authors, reviewers, and area chairs should not hesitate to contact the program chairs if they need some adjustments due to these recent events.


The generous support of our sponsors allowed us to reduce our ticket prices and support diversity at the meeting with financial awards. In addition, many accepted papers at the conference were contributed by our sponsors.

Currently, we are planning on ICML 2022 being a physical conference.

View ICML 2022 sponsors »Become a 2025 Sponsor (not currently taking applications)


Organizing Committee

General Chair

Kamalika Chaudhuri (UCSD, Meta AI Research, and FAIR)

Program Chair

Csaba Szepesvari (DeepMind/University of Alberta)
Le Song (MBZUAI)
Stefanie Jegelka (TUM and MIT)

Accessibility Chair

Maria Skoularidou (The Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard)

Tutorial Chair

Hanie Sedghi (Google Deepmind)
Laurens van der Maaten (Facebook)

Workshop Chair

Andras Gyorgy (Google DeepMind)
Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez (MPI-SWS)
Venkatesh Saligrama (Boston University)
Virginia Smith (Carnegie Mellon University)

Accessibility and Diversity & Inclusion Chair

Barbara Engelhardt (Stanford University)
Miroslav Dudik (Microsoft Research)

Associate Chair

David Alvarez-Melis (Harvard / MSR)
Horia Mania (MIT)
Johannes Kirschner (Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC))

Workflow Chair

Alex Ayoub (University of Alberta / Amii)
Sungsoo Ahn (POSTECH)
Zhenyu (Sherry) Xue (ICML)

Financial Chair

Arindam Banerjee (UIUC)
Petar Veličković (DeepMind / University of Cambridge)
Rose Yu (UCSD)

Communications Chair

Jakob Foerster (Oxford university)
Makoto Yamada (RIKEN)

Social Chair

Hendrik Strobelt (MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, IBM Research)
Olga Isupova (University of Bath)

Publications Chair

Gang Niu (RIKEN)
Sivan Sabato (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

Important Dates

Volunteer Application Opens Apr 12 '22 03:32 PM EDT *
AuthorNotification May 14 '22 (Anywhere on Earth)
ParticipationGrantDeadline May 29 '22 (Anywhere on Earth)
ParticipationGrantNotification Jun 07 '22 09:00 PM EDT *
Early pricing before this date Jun 11 '22 02:59 AM EDT *
WorkshopMandatoryAcceptReject Jun 13 '22 (Anywhere on Earth)
CameraReady Jun 16 '22 (Anywhere on Earth)
SponsorPaymentDeadline Jun 17 '22 09:00 PM EDT *
SlidesLive Video Upload Deadline Jun 27 '22 (Anywhere on Earth)
WorkshopVideoUploadDeadline Jul 01 '22 (Anywhere on Earth)
Volunteer Application Closes Jul 06 '22 (Anywhere on Earth)
Last chance for a refund on registration fees Jul 14 '22 07:59 PM EDT *
Sponsor Portal Close Aug 23 '22 09:00 PM EDT *
All dates
