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Workshop: 2nd ICML Workshop on New Frontiers in Adversarial Machine Learning

Proximal Compositional Optimization for Distributionally Robust Learning

Prashant Khanduri · Chengyin Li · RAFI IBN SULTAN · Yao Qiang · Joerg Kliewer · Dongxiao Zhu

Keywords: [ Distributionally Robust Optimization ] [ Composite Optimization ]

Abstract: Recently, compositional optimization (CO) has gained popularity because of its applications in distributionally robust optimization (DRO) and many other machine learning problems. Often (non-smooth) regularization terms are added to an objective to impose some structure and/or improve the generalization performance of the learned model. However, when it comes to CO, there is a lack of efficient algorithms that can solve regularized CO problems. Moreover, current state-of-the-art methods to solve such problems rely on the computation of large batch gradients (depending on the solution accuracy) not feasible for most practical settings. To address these challenges, in this work, we consider a certain regularized version of the CO problem that often arises in DRO formulations and develop a proximal algorithm for solving the problem. We perform a Moreau envelope-based analysis and establish that without the need to compute large batch gradients \anamec~achieves $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2})$ sample complexity, that matches the vanilla SGD guarantees for solving non-CO problems. We corroborate our theoretical findings with empirical studies on large-scale DRO problems.

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