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Yao Xie

[ Ballroom C ]

The world of machine learning is vast and continually expanding, and one of the most exciting frontiers is the intersection with information theory. As the two fields continue to intermingle and influence each other, it's essential to cultivate a community of scholars and practitioners who share a passion for these disciplines. With this in mind, we organize the social session at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) entitled "Information Theory at ICML: A Confluence of Minds". The primary objective of this social session is to provide a platform for the vibrant community of scholars, researchers, and practitioners coming from the information theory community attending ICML. This gathering aims to foster interactions, collaborations, and friendly networking among like-minded individuals, facilitating discussions about the latest research and trends at the intersection of machine learning and information theory.

Se Jung Kwon

[ Meeting Room 315 ]

We warmly invite everyone intrigued by Machine Learning and Deep Learning research in Korea to our upcoming social event. Our aim is to bridge gaps between various universities and corporations, fostering dialogue and collaboration. We firmly believe casual conversations can kindle innovative ideas and research possibilities. Join us for group programs where attendees can share their research and interests, and enjoy light-hearted quiz events designed to stimulate engagement and discourse.

Black in AI Events · Kalesha Bullard · Stacy Fay Hobson · Gautam Kamath

[ Meeting Room 313 ]

AI is advancing faster than our understanding of its impact on society. This fireside chat is a moment of reflection to explore the effects of AI. From economical implications to developmental issues and environmental impacts, our goal is to nurture a rich discussion with researchers and practitioners. Featuring speakers from long-time players and emerging AI institutes, we invite you to this open conversation featuring hot opinions and plenty of questions worth thinking further.

Dan Hendrycks

[ Meeting Room 323 ]

As ML systems become more capable and integrated into society, it is becoming increasingly important that they are reliable, beneficial, and aligned with our objectives. We welcome participants interested in or working on ML safety topics for a semi-structured social meetup. Meet peers who may have read your papers or whose papers you've read and build new friendships and collaboration opportunities!

Nicole Bannon

[ Ballroom A ]

How to Know your Market Value in AI

Join us for an interactive session where you can get the tools and data necessary to optimally negotiate offers in the current economy and how to determine your current market value.

Some of the topics we'll cover are:

  • Market data for AI researchers at different levels of their career
  • How this market has influenced negotiations for different industries
  • How to get over your fears of negotiating, especially regarding the above
  • How to decide which company / offer is right for you (it's not always about comp!)
  • How to negotiate without counter offers and without knowing "market value"
  • How to respond to pushback from recruiters and other guilt tripping / lowballing / pressure tactics
  • How to avoid having an offer rescinded
  • How to negotiate deadline of an offer
  • Walking through a timeline of the negotiation process for a new offer
Hendrik Strobelt

[ Virtual ]

Yonatan Gideoni

[ Meeting Room 313 ]

Scrambling to understand your research topic? Pulled several all nighters for your first paper? Wept with joy when you were accepted into your PhD programme? This social is for you! We're here to allow master and 1st-2nd year PhD students chat about their research, getting started, and how to handle it all.

Samira Abbasgholizadeh Rahimi · Farbod Khameneifar

[ Meeting Room 315 ]

Digital twins with Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities are computer-generated models of actual products, procedures, or systems that offer real-time performance analysis and insights. The incorporation of AI makes it possible to analyse the data produced by these systems in a more precise and effective manner. These digital twins are employed to simulate, monitor, and improve real systems.

This social event will explore digital twin technologies powered by AI and how they might be utilized to link the virtual and physical worlds. We will give a general overview of AI-enabled digital twin technologies and demonstrate practical applications of AI-enabled digital twins in manufacturing, healthcare, and aerospace. We will also discuss the opportunities and challenges that come with implementing it across different sectors.

There will be group discussions on the challenges and opportunities of digital twins powered by AI at the event to discuss how these technologies will continue to influence the future of various industries.

Target audience: Professionals, researchers, and students who are interested in AI-enabled digital twins and their applications.

Luis Oala

[ Meeting Room 314 ]

We'll have roundtables set up with different themes related to data-centric AI and machine learning. Participants will be welcome to discuss the topic of their choice. Key learnings will be shared at the end of the event.

Mubbasir Kapadia · Daniel Ritchie · Honglu Zhou

[ Ballroom B ]

"This event explores the role of Generative AI in shaping the next generation of the Metaverse, fostering an environment where everyone can be a creator. The program includes presentations from researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry, and will cover:

(1) Recent trends in multimodal content generation research, encompassing the fusion of text, image, and video. The discussion will emphasize maintaining control over the latent space and achieving compositionality in AI-generated content.

(2) The application of neuro-symbolic representations for 3D Generative AI and geometric learning on discrete surfaces in 3D content creation.

(3) Practical implementations of Generative AI within Roblox with live demonstrations of how language models and image generation techniques can streamline the creation of interactive 3D objects and game worlds.


  • Mubbasir Kapadia (Roblox and Rutgers): Introduction
  • Honglu Zhou (NEC Labs): Illuminating the Metaverse: Unveiling NEC Labs' Journey in Revolutionizing AIGC with Compositionality
  • Derek Liu (Roblox Research): Geometric Learning on Discrete Surface Meshes
  • Daniel Ritchie (Brown University): Neuro-symbolic Methods for 3D Generative AI
  • Kartik Ayyar (Roblox): Generative AI in Action at Roblox
Jiyoo Chang

[ Ballroom C ]

The development and deployment of AI often lacks input from impacted communities such as warehouse workers who directly interact with AI in their jobs. As a two-part social, “Inclusive AI: Magnifying Marginalized Communities” will introduce ways to include and bring in the perspectives of marginalized stakeholder communities. In the first hour, participants will be introduced to case studies that walk through the engagement process with various worker groups. Along with the case studies, participants will reflect on ways to responsibly engage with the broader community in their own work. In the second half, we will host a happy hour for practitioners to connect with others about community engagement, participatory methods, and inclusive AI. Much like speed dating events, we will supply the conversation topics and refreshments; participants bring the curiosity and conversation!

Sarvesh Saran

[ Ballroom A ]


Join us for fun and relaxation at the beach. Learn to surf with experienced instructors or enjoy a yoga session to stretch and clear your mind. Mingle with other ICML attendees and make new friends. Contact: For more details and to sign up visit: Signup Form.