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Workshop: 2nd ICML Workshop on New Frontiers in Adversarial Machine Learning

Like Oil and Water: Group Robustness and Poisoning Defenses Don’t Mix

Michael-Andrei Panaitescu-Liess · Yigitcan Kaya · Tudor Dumitras

Keywords: [ group robustness ] [ adversarial machine learning ] [ poisoning attacks ]


Group robustness has become a major concern in machine learning (ML) as conventional training paradigms were found to produce high error on minority groups. Without explicit group annotations, proposed solutions rely on heuristics that aim to identify and then amplify the minority samples during training. In our work, we first uncover a critical shortcoming of these heuristics: an inability to distinguish legitimate minority samples from poison samples in the training set. By amplifying poison samples as well, group robustness methods inadvertently boost the success rate of an adversary---e.g., from 0\% without amplification to over 97\% with it. Moreover, scrutinizing recent poisoning defenses both in centralized and federated learning, we observe that they rely on similar heuristics to identify which samples should be eliminated as poisons. In consequence, minority samples are eliminated along with poisons, which damages group robustness---e.g., from 55\% without the removal of the minority samples to 41\% with it. Finally, as they pursue opposing goals using similar heuristics, our attempts to conciliate group robustness and poisoning defenses come up short. We hope our work highlights how benchmark-driven ML scholarship can obscure the tensions between different metrics, potentially leading to harmful consequences.

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