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Conformal Prediction for Deep Classifier via Label Ranking

Jianguo Huang · HuaJun Xi · Linjun Zhang · Huaxiu Yao · Yue Qiu · Hongxin Wei

Hall C 4-9
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Tue 23 Jul 4:30 a.m. PDT — 6 a.m. PDT

Abstract: Conformal prediction is a statistical framework that generates prediction sets containing ground-truth labels with a desired coverage guarantee. The predicted probabilities produced by machine learning models are generally miscalibrated, leading to large prediction sets in conformal prediction. To address this issue, we propose a novel algorithm named $\textit{Sorted Adaptive Prediction Sets}$ (SAPS), which discards all the probability values except for the maximum softmax probability. The key idea behind SAPS is to minimize the dependence of the non-conformity score on the probability values while retaining the uncertainty information. In this manner, SAPS can produce compact prediction sets and communicate instance-wise uncertainty. Extensive experiments validate that SAPS not only lessens the prediction sets but also broadly enhances the conditional coverage rate of prediction sets.

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