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Federated Learning and Analytics in Practice: Algorithms, Systems, Applications, and Opportunities

Zheng Xu · Peter Kairouz · Bo Li · Tian Li · John Nguyen · Jianyu Wang · Shiqiang Wang · Ayfer Ozgur

Meeting Room 311

Fri 28 Jul, noon PDT

Proposed around 2016 as privacy preserving techniques, federated learning and analytics (FL & FA) made remarkable progress in theory and practice in recent years. However, there is a growing disconnect between theoretical research and practical applications of federated learning. This workshop aims to bring academics and practitioners closer together to exchange ideas: discuss actual systems and practical applications to inspire researchers to work on theoretical and practical research questions that lead to real-world impact; understand the current development and highlight future directions. To achieve this goal, we aim to have a set of keynote talks and panelists by industry researchers focused on deploying federated learning and analytics in practice, and academic research leaders who are interested in bridging the gap between the theory and practice.

For more details, please visit the workshop webpage at

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Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
