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Oral A3 ML Theory

Meeting Room 316 A-C

Moderator: Audrey Durand

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Tue 25 July 20:30 - 20:38 PDT

Self-Repellent Random Walks on General Graphs - Achieving Minimal Sampling Variance via Nonlinear Markov Chains

Vishwaraj Doshi · Jie Hu · Do-Young Eun

We consider random walks on discrete state spaces, such as general undirected graphs, where the random walkers are designed to approximate a target quantity over the network topology via sampling and neighborhood exploration in the form of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedures. Given any Markov chain corresponding to a target probability distribution, we design a *self-repellent random walk* (SRRW) which is less likely to transition to nodes that were highly visited in the past, and more likely to transition to seldom visited nodes. For a class of SRRWs parameterized by a positive real $\alpha$, we prove that the empirical distribution of the process converges almost surely to the the target (stationary) distribution of the underlying Markov chain kernel. We then provide a central limit theorem and derive the exact form of the arising asymptotic co-variance matrix, which allows us to show that the SRRW with a stronger repellence (larger $\alpha$) always achieves a smaller asymptotic covariance, in the sense of Loewner ordering of co-variance matrices. Especially for SRRW-driven MCMC algorithms, we show that the decrease in the asymptotic sampling variance is of the order $O(1/\alpha)$, eventually going down to zero. Finally, we provide numerical simulations complimentary to our theoretical results, also empirically testing a version of SRRW with $\alpha$ increasing in time to combine the benefits of smaller asymptotic variance due to large $\alpha$, with empirically observed faster mixing properties of SRRW with smaller $\alpha$.

Tue 25 July 20:38 - 20:46 PDT

Tighter Lower Bounds for Shuffling SGD: Random Permutations and Beyond

Jaeyoung Cha · Jaewook Lee · Chulhee Yun

We study convergence lower bounds of without-replacement stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for solving smooth (strongly-)convex finite-sum minimization problems. Unlike most existing results focusing on final iterate lower bounds in terms of the number of components $n$ and the number of epochs $K$, we seek bounds for arbitrary weighted average iterates that are tight in all factors including the condition number $\kappa$. For SGD with Random Reshuffling, we present lower bounds that have tighter $\kappa$ dependencies than existing bounds. Our results are the first to perfectly close the gap between lower and upper bounds for weighted average iterates in both strongly-convex and convex cases. We also prove weighted average iterate lower bounds for arbitrary permutation-based SGD, which apply to all variants that carefully choose the best permutation. Our bounds improve the existing bounds in factors of $n$ and $\kappa$ and thereby match the upper bounds shown for a recently proposed algorithm called GraB.

Tue 25 July 20:46 - 20:54 PDT

Which Features are Learnt by Contrastive Learning? On the Role of Simplicity Bias in Class Collapse and Feature Suppression

Yihao Xue · Siddharth Joshi · Eric Gan · Pin-Yu Chen · Baharan Mirzasoleiman

Contrastive learning (CL) has emerged as a powerful technique for representation learning, with or without label supervision. However, supervised CL is prone to collapsing representations of subclasses within a class by not capturing all their features, and unsupervised CL may suppress harder class-relevant features by focusing on learning easy class-irrelevant features; both significantly compromise representation quality. Yet, there is no theoretical understanding of class collapse or feature suppression at test time. We provide the first unified theoretically rigorous framework to determine which features are learnt by CL. Our analysis indicate that, perhaps surprisingly, bias of (stochastic) gradient descent towards finding simpler solutions is a key factor in collapsing subclass representations and suppressing harder class-relevant features. Moreover, we present increasing embedding dimensionality and improving the quality of data augmentations as two theoretically motivated solutions to feature suppression. We also provide the first theoretical explanation for why employing supervised and unsupervised CL together yields higher-quality representations, even when using commonly-used stochastic gradient methods.

Tue 25 July 20:54 - 21:02 PDT

Tighter Information-Theoretic Generalization Bounds from Supersamples

Ziqiao Wang · Yongyi Mao

In this work, we present a variety of novel information-theoretic generalization bounds for learning algorithms, from the supersample setting of Steinke & Zakynthinou (2020)—the setting of the ``conditional mutual information'' framework. Our development exploits projecting the loss pair (obtained from a training instance and a testing instance) down to a single number and correlating loss values with a Rademacher sequence (and its shifted variants). The presented bounds include square-root bounds, fast-rate bounds, including those based on variance and sharpness, and bounds for interpolating algorithms etc. We show theoretically or empirically that these bounds are tighter than all information-theoretic bounds known to date on the same supersample setting.

Tue 25 July 21:02 - 21:10 PDT

Beyond the Universal Law of Robustness: Sharper Laws for Random Features and Neural Tangent Kernels

Simone Bombari · Shayan Kiyani · Marco Mondelli

Machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial perturbations, and a thought-provoking paper by Bubeck and Sellke has analyzed this phenomenon through the lens of over-parameterization: interpolating smoothly the data requires significantly more parameters than simply memorizing it. However, this "universal" law provides only a necessary condition for robustness, and it is unable to discriminate between models. In this paper, we address these gaps by focusing on empirical risk minimization in two prototypical settings, namely, random features and the neural tangent kernel (NTK). We prove that, for random features, the model is not robust for any degree of over-parameterization, even when the necessary condition coming from the universal law of robustness is satisfied. In contrast, for even activations, the NTK model meets the universal lower bound, and it is robust as soon as the necessary condition on over-parameterization is fulfilled. This also addresses a conjecture in prior work by Bubeck, Li and Nagaraj. Our analysis decouples the effect of the kernel of the model from an "interaction matrix", which describes the interaction with the test data and captures the effect of the activation. Our theoretical results are corroborated by numerical evidence on both synthetic and standard datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10).

Tue 25 July 21:10 - 21:18 PDT

Bayes-optimal Learning of Deep Random Networks of Extensive-width

Hugo Cui · FLORENT KRZAKALA · Lenka Zdeborova

We consider the problem of learning a target function corresponding to a deep, extensive-width, non-linear neural network with random Gaussian weights. We consider the asymptotic limit where the number of samples, the input dimension and the network width are proportionally large and propose a closed-form expression for the Bayes-optimal test error, for regression and classification tasks. We further compute closed-form expressions for the test errors of ridge regression, kernel and random features regression. We find, in particular, that optimally regularized ridge regression, as well as kernel regression, achieve Bayes-optimal performances, while the logistic loss yields a near-optimal test error for classification. We further show numerically that when the number of samples grows faster than the dimension, ridge and kernel methods become suboptimal, while neural networks achieve test error close to zero from quadratically many samples.

Tue 25 July 21:18 - 21:26 PDT

Why does Throwing Away Data Improve Worst-Group Error?

Kamalika Chaudhuri · Kartik Ahuja · Martin Arjovsky · David Lopez-Paz

When facing data with imbalanced classes or groups, practitioners follow an intriguing strategy to achieve best results. They throw away examples until the classes or groups are balanced in size, and then perform empirical risk minimization on the reduced training set. This opposes common wisdom in learning theory, where the expected error is supposed to decrease as the dataset grows in size. In this work, we leverage extreme value theory to address this apparent contradiction. Our results show that the tails of the data distribution play an important role in determining the worst-group-accuracy of linear classifiers. When learning on data with heavy tails, throwing away data restores the geometric symmetry of the resulting classifier, and therefore improves its worst-group generalization.

Tue 25 July 21:26 - 21:34 PDT

Marginalization is not Marginal: No Bad VAE Local Minima when Learning Optimal Sparse Representations

David Wipf

Although the variational autoencoder (VAE) represents a widely-used deep generative model, the underlying energy function when applied to continuous data remains poorly understood. In fact, most prior theoretical analysis has assumed a simplified affine decoder such that the model collapses to probabilistic PCA, a restricted regime whereby existing classical algorithms can also be trivially applied to guarantee globally optimal solutions. To push our understanding into more complex, practically-relevant settings, this paper instead adopts a deceptively sophisticated single-layer decoder that nonetheless allows the VAE to address the fundamental challenge of learning optimally sparse representations of continuous data originating from popular multiple-response regression models. In doing so, we can then examine VAE properties within the non-trivial context of solving difficult, NP-hard inverse problems. More specifically, we prove rigorous conditions which guarantee that any minimum of the VAE energy (local or global) will produce the optimally sparse latent representation, meaning zero reconstruction error using a minimal number of active latent dimensions. This is ultimately possible because VAE marginalization over the latent posterior selectively smooths away bad local minima as has been conjectured but not actually proven in prior work. We then discuss how equivalent-capacity deterministic autoencoders, even with appropriate sparsity-promoting regularization of the latent space, maintain bad local minima that do not correspond with such parsimonious representations. Overall, these results serve to elucidate key properties of the VAE loss surface relative to finding low-dimensional structure in data.

Tue 25 July 21:34 - 21:42 PDT

Sharper Bounds for $\ell_p$ Sensitivity Sampling

David Woodruff · Taisuke Yasuda

In large scale machine learning, *random sampling* is a popular way to approximate datasets by a small representative subset of examples. In particular, *sensitivity sampling* is an intensely studied technique which provides provable guarantees on the quality of approximation, while reducing the number of examples to the product of the *VC dimension* $d$ and the *total sensitivity* $\mathfrak{S}$ in remarkably general settings. However, guarantees going beyond this general bound of $\mathfrak{S} d$ are known in perhaps only one setting, for *$\ell_2$ subspace embeddings*, despite intense study of sensitivity sampling in prior work. In this work, we show the first bounds for sensitivity sampling for $\ell_p$ subspace embeddings for $p\neq 2$ that improve over the general $\mathfrak{S} d$ bound, achieving a bound of roughly $\mathfrak{S}^{2/p}$ for $1\leq p2$ and $\mathfrak{S}^{2-2/p}$ for $2<p<\infty$. For $1\leq p<2$, we show that this bound is tight, in the sense that there exist matrices for which $\mathfrak{S}^{2/p}$ samples is necessary. Furthermore, our techniques yield further new results in the study of sampling algorithms, showing that the *root leverage score sampling* algorithm achieves a bound of roughly $d$ for $1\leq p<2$, and that a combination of leverage score and sensitivity sampling achieves an improved bound of roughly $d^{2/p}\mathfrak{S}^{2-4/p}$ for $2<p<\infty$. Our sensitivity sampling results yield the best known sample complexity for a wide class of structured matrices that have small $\ell_p$ sensitivity.

Tue 25 July 21:42 - 21:50 PDT

AdaBoost is not an Optimal Weak to Strong Learner

Mikael Møller Høgsgaard · Kasper Green Larsen · Martin Ritzert

AdaBoost is a classic boosting algorithm for combining multiple inaccurate classifiers produced by a weak learner, to produce a strong learner with arbitrarily high accuracy when given enough training data. Determining the optimal number of samples necessary to obtain a given accuracy of the strong learner, is a basic learning theoretic question. Larsen and Ritzert (NeurIPS'22) recently presented the first provably optimal weak-to-strong learner. However, their algorithm is somewhat complicated and it remains an intriguing question whether the prototypical boosting algorithm AdaBoost also makes optimal use of training samples. In this work, we answer this question in the negative. Concretely, we show that the sample complexity of AdaBoost, and other classic variations thereof, are sub-optimal by at least one logarithmic factor in the desired accuracy of the strong learner.

Tue 25 July 21:50 - 21:58 PDT

Outstanding Paper
Generalization on the Unseen, Logic Reasoning and Degree Curriculum

Emmanuel Abbe · Samy Bengio · Aryo Lotfi · Kevin Rizk

This paper considers the learning of logical (Boolean) functions with focus on the generalization on the unseen (GOTU) setting, a strong case of out-of-distribution generalization. This is motivated by the fact that the rich combinatorial nature of data in certain reasoning tasks (e.g., arithmetic/logic) makes representative data sampling challenging, and learning successfully under GOTU gives a first vignette of an 'extrapolating' or 'reasoning' learner. We then study how different network architectures trained by (S)GD perform under GOTU and provide both theoretical and experimental evidence that for a class of network models including instances of Transformers, random features models, and diagonal linear networks, a min-degree-interpolator is learned on the unseen. We also provide evidence that other instances with larger learning rates or mean-field networks reach leaky min-degree solutions. These findings lead to two implications: (1) we provide an explanation to the length generalization problem (e.g., Anil et al. 2022); (2) we introduce a curriculum learning algorithm called Degree-Curriculum that learns monomials more efficiently by incrementing supports.