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Sharper Bounds for $\ell_p$ Sensitivity Sampling

David Woodruff · Taisuke Yasuda

Meeting Room 316 A-C

Abstract: In large scale machine learning, *random sampling* is a popular way to approximate datasets by a small representative subset of examples. In particular, *sensitivity sampling* is an intensely studied technique which provides provable guarantees on the quality of approximation, while reducing the number of examples to the product of the *VC dimension* $d$ and the *total sensitivity* $\mathfrak{S}$ in remarkably general settings. However, guarantees going beyond this general bound of $\mathfrak{S} d$ are known in perhaps only one setting, for *$\ell_2$ subspace embeddings*, despite intense study of sensitivity sampling in prior work. In this work, we show the first bounds for sensitivity sampling for $\ell_p$ subspace embeddings for $p\neq 2$ that improve over the general $\mathfrak{S} d$ bound, achieving a bound of roughly $\mathfrak{S}^{2/p}$ for $1\leq p2$ and $\mathfrak{S}^{2-2/p}$ for $2<p<\infty$. For $1\leq p<2$, we show that this bound is tight, in the sense that there exist matrices for which $\mathfrak{S}^{2/p}$ samples is necessary. Furthermore, our techniques yield further new results in the study of sampling algorithms, showing that the *root leverage score sampling* algorithm achieves a bound of roughly $d$ for $1\leq p<2$, and that a combination of leverage score and sensitivity sampling achieves an improved bound of roughly $d^{2/p}\mathfrak{S}^{2-4/p}$ for $2<p<\infty$. Our sensitivity sampling results yield the best known sample complexity for a wide class of structured matrices that have small $\ell_p$ sensitivity.

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