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Deciphering Lasso-based Classification Through a Large Dimensional Analysis of the Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm

Malik TIOMOKO · Ekkehard Schnoor · Mohamed El Amine Seddik · Igor Colin · Aladin Virmaux

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Abstract: This paper proposes a theoretical analysis of a Lasso-based classification algorithm. Leveraging on a realistic regime where the dimension of the data $p$ and their number $n$ are of the same order of magnitude, the theoretical classification error is derived as a function of the data statistics. As a result, insights into the functioning of the Lasso in classification and its differences with competing algorithms are highlighted. Our work is based on an original novel analysis of the Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA), which may be of independent interest beyond the particular problem studied here and may be adapted to similar iterative schemes.A theoretical optimization of the model's hyperparameters is also provided, which allows for the data- and time-consuming cross-validation to be avoided. Finally, several applications on synthetic and real data are provided to validate the theoretical study and justify its impact in the design and understanding of algorithms of practical interest.

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