ICML 2022 Affinity Events
[ Room 301 - 303 ]
Following the previous NewInML workshop editions, our goal is to welcome newcomers in the community and provide them with some guidance to contribute to Machine Learning research fully and effectively.
We intend to host presentations appealing to ICML audiences eager to learn how to conduct their research from experienced researchers. The following topics will be addressed:
- Communicating your results
- Collaborations with ML researchers
- Coding best practices
Attendees who submit an extended abstract will get peer-reviewed and best selected abstracts will be presented by their authors. This year, we are also hosting a presentation on academic writing support tailored on the submissions. It is your opportunity to refine your academic writing skills and boost your chances to see your paper published at the next ICML conference.
[ Room 337 - 338 ]
Queer in AI’s demographic survey reveals that most queer scientists in our community do not feel completely welcome in conferences and their work environments, with the main reasons being a lack of queer community and role models. Over the past years, Queer in AI has worked towards these goals, yet we have observed that the voices of underrepresented queer communities, especially transgender, non-binary folks and queer BIPOC folks have been neglected. The purpose of this workshop is to highlight issues that these communities face by featuring talks and panel discussions on the inclusiveness of non-Western non-binary identities; and Black, Indigenous, and Pacific Islander non-cis folks. Additionally, this proposal outlines making virtual/hybrid conferences more inclusive of queer folks.
[ Hall G ]
Since ICML 2020, WiML organizes so-called "un-workshops" at ICML. The un-workshop is based on the concept of an “un-conference”, a form of discussion on a pre-selected topic that is primarily driven by participants. Different from the workshop, the un-workshop’s main focus is the topical "breakout sessions"--where attendees are split into smaller groups, and 2-3 participants per each session---who are preselected prior to the event---lead each discussion on a predefined topic. In addition to the breakout sessions, the un-workshop will include short invited talks, casual informal poster presentations, and a mentoring session. The overall goal of the un-workshop is to advance research through collaboration and increased interaction among participants from diverse backgrounds. Students, postdocs, and researchers in all areas of Machine Learning who primarily identify as a woman and/or nonbinary are encouraged to submit a one-page proposal to lead a breakout session on a certain research topic, and/or to submit a short abstract for the poster session. While all presenters will identify primarily as a woman and/or nonbinary, all genders are invited to attend and participate in the discussions.
[ Ballroom 3 & 4 ]
The LatinX in AI research workshop is a one-day event with invited speakers, oral presentations, and research posters. The event brings together faculty, graduate students, research scientists, and engineers for an opportunity to connect and exchange ideas. There will be a panel discussion and a mentoring session to discuss current research trends and career choices in artificial intelligence and machine learning, highlighting the unique challenges of LatinX identifying researchers. The workshop aims to create a platform for the work of Latinx researchers and we invite everyone to attend.We strongly encourage students, postdocs, and researchers who primarily identify as Latinx in all areas of machine learning to submit an abstract describing new, previously, or concurrently published research. We welcome abstract submissions, in theory, methodology, as well as applications. Abstracts may describe completed research or work-in-progress. While the presenting author need not be the first author of the work, we encourage authors to highlight the contribution of Latinx individuals — particularly the presenting author — in the abstract. The LatinX authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to present their work in a poster session. A few authors will be selected to give 15-minute oral presentations. Authors accepted to present will be …
[ Room 308 ]
A joint social with researching affinity groups Black in AI and Queer in AI celebrating the work of queer and black scientists. These events seek to fostercollaborations and mentorship among people from both communities, and discuss initiatives to increase the presence of black and queer people in the field of Artificial Intelligence.