Hall G
Moderator: Fanny Yang
Learning Mixtures of Linear Dynamical Systems
Yanxi Chen · H. Vincent Poor
We study the problem of learning a mixture of multiple linear dynamical systems (LDSs) from unlabeled short sample trajectories, each generated by one of the LDS models. Despite the wide applicability of mixture models for time-series data, learning algorithms that come with end-to-end performance guarantees are largely absent from existing literature. There are multiple sources of technical challenges, including but not limited to (1) the presence of latent variables (i.e. the unknown labels of trajectories); (2) the possibility that the sample trajectories might have lengths much smaller than the dimension of the LDS models; and (3) the complicated temporal dependence inherent to time-series data. To tackle these challenges, we develop a two-stage meta-algorithm, which is guaranteed to efficiently recover each ground-truth LDS model up to error , where is the total sample size. We validate our theoretical studies with numerical experiments, confirming the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.
Massively Parallel -Means Clustering for Perturbation Resilient Instances
Vincent Cohen-Addad · Vahab Mirrokni · Peilin Zhong
We consider -means clustering of data points in Euclidean space in the Massively Parallel Computation (MPC) model, a computational model which is an abstraction of modern massively parallel computing system such as MapReduce. Recent work provides evidence that getting -approximate -means solution for general input points using rounds in the MPC model may be impossible under certain conditions [Ghaffari, Kuhn \& Uitto'2019]. However, the real-world data points usually have better structures. One instance of interest is the set of data points which is perturbation resilient [Bilu \& Linial'2010]. In particular, a point set is -perturbation resilient for -means if perturbing pairwise distances by multiplicative factors in the range does not change the optimum -means clusters. We bypass the worst case lower bound by considering the perturbation resilient input points and showing rounds -means clustering algorithms for these instances in the MPC model. Specifically, we show a fully scalable -approximate -means clustering algorithm for -perturbation resilient instance in the MPC model using rounds and total space. If the space per machine is sufficiently larger than , i.e., at least , we also develop an optimal -means clustering algorithm for -perturbation resilient instance in MPC using rounds and total space.
Residual-Based Sampling for Online Outlier-Robust PCA
Tianhao Zhu · Jie Shen
Outlier-robust principal component analysis (ORPCA) has been broadly applied in scientific discovery in the last decades. In this paper, we study online ORPCA, an important variant that addresses the practical challenge that the data points arrive in a sequential manner and the goal is to recover the underlying subspace of the clean data with one pass of the data. Our main contribution is the first provable algorithm that enjoys comparable recovery guarantee to the best known batch algorithm, while significantly improving upon the state-of-the-art online ORPCA algorithms. The core technique is a robust version of the residual norm which, informally speaking, leverages not only the importance of a data point, but also how likely it behaves as an outlier.
Scaling Gaussian Process Optimization by Evaluating a Few Unique Candidates Multiple Times
Daniele Calandriello · Luigi Carratino · Alessandro Lazaric · Michal Valko · Lorenzo Rosasco
Computing a Gaussian process (GP) posterior has a computational cost cubical in the number of historical points. A reformulation of the same GP posterior highlights that this complexity mainly depends on how many \emph{unique} historical points are considered. This can have important implication in active learning settings, where the set of historical points is constructed sequentially by the learner. We show that sequential black-box optimization based on GPs (GP-Opt) can be made efficient by sticking to a candidate solution for multiple evaluation steps and switch only when necessary. Limiting the number of switches also limits the number of unique points in the history of the GP. Thus, the efficient GP reformulation can be used to exactly and cheaply compute the posteriors required to run the GP-Opt algorithms. This approach is especially useful in real-world applications of GP-Opt with high switch costs (e.g. switching chemicals in wet labs, data/model loading in hyperparameter optimization). As examples of this meta-approach, we modify two well-established GP-Opt algorithms, GP-UCB and GP-EI, to switch candidates as infrequently as possible adapting rules from batched GP-Opt. These versions preserve all the theoretical no-regret guarantees while improving practical aspects of the algorithms such as runtime, memory complexity, and the ability of batching candidates and evaluating them in parallel.
Streaming Algorithms for Support-Aware Histograms
Justin Chen · Piotr Indyk · Tal Wagner
Histograms, i.e., piece-wise constant approximations, are a popular tool used to represent data distributions. Traditionally, the difference between the histogram and the underlying distribution (i.e., the approximation error) is measured using the L_p norm, which sums the differences between the two functions over all items in the domain. Although useful in many applications, the drawback of this error measure is that it treats approximation errors of all items in the same way, irrespective of whether the mass of an item is important for the downstream application that uses the approximation. As a result, even relatively simple distributions cannot be approximated by succinct histograms without incurring large error.In this paper, we address this issue by adapting the definition of approximation so that only the errors of the items that belong to the support of the distribution are considered. Under this definition, we develop efficient 1-pass and 2-pass streaming algorithms that compute near-optimal histograms in sub-linear space. We also present lower bounds on the space complexity of this problem. Surprisingly, under this notion of error, there is an exponential gap in the space complexity of 1-pass and 2-pass streaming algorithms. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our algorithms on a collection of real and synthetic data sets.
Power-Law Escape Rate of SGD
Takashi Mori · Liu Ziyin · Kangqiao Liu · Masahito Ueda
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) undergoes complicated multiplicative noise for the mean-square loss. We use this property of SGD noise to derive a stochastic differential equation (SDE) with simpler additive noise by performing a random time change. Using this formalism, we show that the log loss barrier between a local minimum and a saddle determines the escape rate of SGD from the local minimum, contrary to the previous results borrowing from physics that the linear loss barrier decides the escape rate. Our escape-rate formula strongly depends on the typical magnitude and the number of the outlier eigenvalues of the Hessian. This result explains an empirical fact that SGD prefers flat minima with low effective dimensions, giving an insight into implicit biases of SGD.
Generalized Results for the Existence and Consistency of the MLE in the Bradley-Terry-Luce Model
Heejong Bong · Alessandro Rinaldo
Ranking problems based on pairwise comparisons, such as those arising in online gaming, often involve a large pool of items to order. In these situations, the gap in performance between any two items can be significant, and the smallest and largest winning probabilities can be very close to zero or one. Furthermore, each item may be compared only to a subset of all the items, so that not all pairwise comparisons are observed. In this paper, we study the performance of the Bradley-Terry-Luce model for ranking from pairwise comparison data under more realistic settings than those considered in the literature so far. In particular, we allow for near-degenerate winning probabilities and arbitrary comparison designs. We obtain novel results about the existence of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and the corresponding estimation error without the bounded winning probability assumption commonly used in the literature and for arbitrary comparison graph topologies. Central to our approach is the reliance on the Fisher information matrix to express the dependence on the graph topologies and the impact of the values of the winning probabilities on the estimation risk and on the conditions for the existence of the MLE. Our bounds recover existing results as special cases but are more broadly applicable.
Faster Algorithms for Learning Convex Functions
Ali Siahkamari · Durmus Alp Emre Acar · Christopher Liao · Kelly Geyer · Venkatesh Saligrama · Brian Kulis
The task of approximating an arbitrary convex function arises in several learning problems such as convex regression, learning with a difference of convex (DC) functions, and learning Bregman or -divergences. In this paper, we develop and analyze an approach for solving a broad range of convex function learning problems that is faster than state-of-the-art approaches. Our approach is based on a 2-block ADMM method where each block can be computed in closed form. For the task of convex Lipschitz regression, we establish that our proposed algorithm converges with iteration complexity of for a dataset and . Combined with per-iteration computation complexity, our method converges with the rate . This new rate improves the state of the art rate of if . Further we provide similar solvers for DC regression and Bregman divergence learning. Unlike previous approaches, our method is amenable to the use of GPUs. We demonstrate on regression and metric learning experiments that our approach is over 100 times faster than existing approaches on some data sets, and produces results that are comparable to state of the art.
Feature selection using e-values
Subhabrata Majumdar · Snigdhansu Chatterjee
In the context of supervised learning, we introduce the concept of e-value. An e-value is a scalar quantity that represents the proximity of the sampling distribution of parameter estimates in a model trained on a subset of features to that of the model trained on all features (i.e. the full model). Under general conditions, a rank ordering of e-values separates models that contain all essential features from those that do not. For a p-dimensional feature space, this requires fitting only the full model and evaluating p+1 models, as opposed to the traditional requirement of fitting and evaluating 2^p models.The above e-values framework is applicable to a wide range of parametric models. We use data depths and a fast resampling-based algorithm to implement a feature selection procedure, providing consistency results. Through experiments across several model settings and synthetic and real datasets, we establish that the e-values can be a promising general alternative to existing model-specific methods of feature selection.
ActiveHedge: Hedge meets Active Learning
Bhuvesh Kumar · Jacob Abernethy · Venkatesh Saligrama
We consider the classical problem of multi-class prediction with expert advice, but with an active learning twist. In this new setting the learner will only query the labels of a small number of examples, but still aims to minimize regret to the best expert as usual; the learner is also allowed a very short "burn-in" phase where it can fast-forward and query certain highly-informative examples. We design an algorithm that utilizes Hedge (aka Exponential Weights) as a subroutine, and we show that under a very particular combinatorial constraint on the matrix of expert predictions we can obtain a very strong regret guarantee while querying very few labels. This constraint, which we refer to as -compactness, or just compactness, can be viewed as a non-stochastic variant of the disagreement coefficient, another popular parameter used to reason about the sample complexity of active learning in the IID setting. We also give a polynomial-time algorithm to calculate the -compactness of a matrix up to an approximation factor of 3.
One-Pass Algorithms for MAP Inference of Nonsymmetric Determinantal Point Processes
Aravind Reddy · Ryan A. Rossi · Zhao Song · Anup Rao · Tung Mai · Nedim Lipka · Gang Wu · Eunyee Koh · Nesreen K Ahmed
In this paper, we initiate the study of one-pass algorithms for solving the maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) inference problem for Non-symmetric Determinantal Point Processes (NDPPs). In particular, we formulate streaming and online versions of the problem and provide one-pass algorithms for solving these problems. In our streaming setting, data points arrive in an arbitrary order and the algorithms are constrained to use a single-pass over the data as well as sub-linear memory, and only need to output a valid solution at the end of the stream. Our online setting has an additional requirement of maintaining a valid solution at any point in time. We design new one-pass algorithms for these problems and show that they perform comparably to (or even better than) the offline greedy algorithm while using substantially lower memory.
Deciphering Lasso-based Classification Through a Large Dimensional Analysis of the Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm
Malik TIOMOKO · Ekkehard Schnoor · Mohamed El Amine Seddik · Igor Colin · Aladin Virmaux
This paper proposes a theoretical analysis of a Lasso-based classification algorithm. Leveraging on a realistic regime where the dimension of the data and their number are of the same order of magnitude, the theoretical classification error is derived as a function of the data statistics. As a result, insights into the functioning of the Lasso in classification and its differences with competing algorithms are highlighted. Our work is based on an original novel analysis of the Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA), which may be of independent interest beyond the particular problem studied here and may be adapted to similar iterative schemes.A theoretical optimization of the model's hyperparameters is also provided, which allows for the data- and time-consuming cross-validation to be avoided. Finally, several applications on synthetic and real data are provided to validate the theoretical study and justify its impact in the design and understanding of algorithms of practical interest.