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ICML 2024 Financial Aid

As part of diversity and inclusion efforts, ICML 2024 is happy to provide grants to lower barriers of access to the conference. The grants are intended for individuals for whom attending the conference would cause a financial burden or create risks to their safety or privacy. The available funding for in-person attendance: conference registration and free hotel. The available funding for virtual attendance: virtual conference pass, internet, and VPN costs.

Awardees will need purchase their registration. They will have their registration fully refunded as soon as they complete their two 4 hour volunteer shifts. If you are unable to volunteer time in support of the conference, please note that and the reason in your comments.

If you have any questions or concerns about the application process, please reach out to .

Privacy: The information provided in the grant application form will be shared internally among D&I chairs and ICML 2024 staff. Some aggregate statistics will be retained to help plan future initiatives, but we will ensure that no individual identities can be traced, and all the individual responses will be deleted after the conference. Of course, please only provide information you would entrust to D&I chairs and ICML staff. In addition, never entrust potentially vulnerable computer systems with information that could endanger you.


Apply here (the financial aid application is closed)

Account: Make sure that the email of the account that you are using to submit the application matches the email address you used to submit your paper on OpenReview.

Important: Missing and incomplete answers can result in your application being denied.

Deadline: 28 May 2024 (anywhere on Earth)

Notification of acceptance: All the notifications were senrt on 5 June 2024