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Tue Jul 25 08:30 PM -- 08:38 PM (PDT) @ Meeting Room 316 A-C None
Self-Repellent Random Walks on General Graphs - Achieving Minimal Sampling Variance via Nonlinear Markov Chains
Vishwaraj Doshi · Jie Hu · Do-Young Eun
[ Slides [ PDF
Tue Jul 25 08:38 PM -- 08:46 PM (PDT) @ Meeting Room 316 A-C None
Tighter Lower Bounds for Shuffling SGD: Random Permutations and Beyond
Jaeyoung Cha · Jaewook Lee · Chulhee Yun
[ Slides [ PDF
Tue Jul 25 08:46 PM -- 08:54 PM (PDT) @ Meeting Room 316 A-C None
Which Features are Learnt by Contrastive Learning? On the Role of Simplicity Bias in Class Collapse and Feature Suppression
Yihao Xue · Siddharth Joshi · Eric Gan · Pin-Yu Chen · Baharan Mirzasoleiman
[ Slides [ PDF
Tue Jul 25 08:54 PM -- 09:02 PM (PDT) @ Meeting Room 316 A-C None
Tighter Information-Theoretic Generalization Bounds from Supersamples
Ziqiao Wang · Yongyi Mao
Tue Jul 25 09:02 PM -- 09:10 PM (PDT) @ Meeting Room 316 A-C None
Beyond the Universal Law of Robustness: Sharper Laws for Random Features and Neural Tangent Kernels
Simone Bombari · Shayan Kiyani · Marco Mondelli
Tue Jul 25 09:10 PM -- 09:18 PM (PDT) @ Meeting Room 316 A-C None
Bayes-optimal Learning of Deep Random Networks of Extensive-width
Hugo Cui · FLORENT KRZAKALA · Lenka Zdeborova
[ Slides [ PDF
Tue Jul 25 09:18 PM -- 09:26 PM (PDT) @ Meeting Room 316 A-C None
Why does Throwing Away Data Improve Worst-Group Error?
Kamalika Chaudhuri · Kartik Ahuja · Martin Arjovsky · David Lopez-Paz
Tue Jul 25 09:26 PM -- 09:34 PM (PDT) @ Meeting Room 316 A-C None
Marginalization is not Marginal: No Bad VAE Local Minima when Learning Optimal Sparse Representations
David Wipf
[ Slides [ PDF
Tue Jul 25 09:34 PM -- 09:42 PM (PDT) @ Meeting Room 316 A-C None
Sharper Bounds for $\ell_p$ Sensitivity Sampling
David Woodruff · Taisuke Yasuda
Tue Jul 25 09:42 PM -- 09:50 PM (PDT) @ Meeting Room 316 A-C None
AdaBoost is not an Optimal Weak to Strong Learner
Mikael Møller Høgsgaard · Kasper Green Larsen · Martin Ritzert
Tue Jul 25 09:50 PM -- 09:58 PM (PDT) @ Meeting Room 316 A-C None
Generalization on the Unseen, Logic Reasoning and Degree Curriculum
Emmanuel Abbe · Samy Bengio · Aryo Lotfi · Kevin Rizk