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In-Context Freeze-Thaw Bayesian Optimization

Steven Adriaensen · Herilalaina Rakotoarison · Neeratyoy Mallik · Samir Garibov · Edward Bergman · Frank Hutter


With the increasing computational costs associated with deep learning, automated hyperparameter optimization methods, strongly relying on black-box Bayesian optimization, face limitations. Freeze-thaw Bayesian optimization offers a promising grey-box alternative, strategically allocating scarce resources incrementally to different configurations. However, the frequent surrogate model updates inherent to this approach, pose challenges for existing methods, requiring retraining or fine-tuning their neural network surrogates online, introducing overhead, instability, and hyper-hyperparameters. In this work, we propose FT-PFN, a novel surrogate for Freeze-thaw style Bayesian optimization. FT-PFN is a prior-data fitted network (PFN) that leverages the transformers' in-context learning ability to efficiently and reliably do Bayesian learning curve extrapolation in a single forward pass. Our empirical analysis across three benchmark suites shows that the predictions made by FT-PFN are more accurate and 10-100 times faster than those of the deep Gaussian process and deep ensemble surrogates used in previous work. Furthermore, we show that when combined with our novel acquisition mechanism (MFPI-Random), the resulting in-context freeze-thaw Bayesian optimization method (ICL-FT-BO), is competitive with existing freeze-thaw methods, and other state-of-the-art grey-box HPO methods, within the low-budget regime of 20 full training runs.

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