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A Resilient and Accessible Distribution-Preserving Watermark for Large Language Models

Yihan Wu · Zhengmian Hu · Junfeng Guo · Hongyang Zhang · Heng Huang

Hall C 4-9
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Thu 25 Jul 4:30 a.m. PDT — 6 a.m. PDT


Watermarking techniques offer a promising way to identify machine-generated content via embedding covert information into the contents generated from language models. A challenge in the domain lies in preserving the distribution of original generated content after watermarking. Our research extends and improves upon existing watermarking framework, placing emphasis on the importance of a Distribution-Preserving (DiP) watermark. Contrary to the current strategies, our proposed DiPmark simultaneously preserves the original token distribution during watermarking (distribution-preserving), is detectable without access to the language model API and prompts (accessible), and is provably robust to moderate changes of tokens (resilient). DiPmark operates by selecting a random set of tokens prior to the generation of a word, then modifying the token distribution through a distribution-preserving reweight function to enhance the probability of these selected tokens during the sampling process. Extensive empirical evaluation on various language models and tasks demonstrates our approach's distribution-preserving property, accessibility, and resilience, making it a effective solution for watermarking tasks that demand impeccable quality preservation.

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