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Revealing Vision-Language Integration in the Brain with Multimodal Networks

Vighnesh Subramaniam · Colin Conwell · Christopher Wang · Gabriel Kreiman · Boris Katz · Ignacio Cases · Andrei Barbu


We use multimodal deep neural networks to identify sites of multimodal integration in the human brain and investigate how well multimodal deep neural networks model integration in the brain. Sites of multimodal integration are regions where a multimodal language-vision model is better at predicting neural recordings (stereoelectroencephalography, SEEG) than either a unimodal language, unimodal vision, or a linearly-integrated language-vision model. We use a range of state-of-the-art models spanning different architectures including Transformers and CNNs with different multimodal integration approaches to model the SEEG signal while subjects watched movies. As a key enabling step, we first demonstrate that the approach has the resolution to distinguish trained from randomly-initialized models for both language and vision; the inability to do so would fundamentally hinder further analysis. We show that trained models systematically outperform randomly initialized models in their ability to predict the SEEG signal. We then compare unimodal and multimodal models against one another. Since models all have different architectures, number of parameters, and training sets which can obscure the results, we then carry out a test between two controlled models: SLIP-Combo and SLIP-SimCLR which keep all of these attributes the same aside from multimodal input. Our first key contribution identifies neural sites (on average 141 out of 1090 total sites or 12.94\%) and brain regions where multimodal integration is occurring. Our second key contribution finds that CLIP-style training is best suited for modeling multimodal integration in the brain when analyzing different methods of multimodal integration and how they model the brain.

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