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Fast White-Box Adversarial Streaming Without a Random Oracle

Ying Feng · Aayush Jain · David Woodruff

Hall C 4-9 #2814


Recently, the question of adversarially robust streaming, where the stream is allowed to depend on the randomness of the streaming algorithm, has gained a lot of attention. In this work, we consider a strong white-box adversarial model (Ajtai et al. PODS 2022), in which the adversary has access to all past random coins and the parameters used by the streaming algorithm. We focus on the sparse recovery problem and extend our result to other tasks such as distinct element estimation and low-rank approximation of matrices and tensors. The main drawback of previous work is that it requires a random oracle, which is especially problematic in the streaming model since the amount of randomness is counted in the space complexity of a streaming algorithm. Also, the previous work suffers from large update time. We construct a near-optimal solution for the sparse recovery problem in white-box adversarial streams, based on the subexponentially secure Learning with Errors assumption. Importantly, our solution does not require a random oracle and has a polylogarithmic per item processing time. We also give results in a related white-box adversarially robust distributed model. Our constructions are based on homomorphic encryption schemes satisfying very mild structural properties that are currently satisfied by most known schemes.

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