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Workshop: Foundations of Reinforcement Learning and Control: Connections and Perspectives

Neural Dueling Bandits

Arun Verma · Zhongxiang Dai · Xiaoqiang Lin · Patrick Jaillet · Bryan Kian Hsiang Low


Contextual dueling bandit is used to model the bandit problems, where a learner's goal is to find the best arm for a given context using observed noisy preference feedback over the selected arms for the past contexts. However, existing algorithms assume the reward function is linear, which can be complex and non-linear in many real-life applications like online recommendations or ranking web search results. To overcome this challenge, we use a neural network to estimate the reward function using preference feedback for the previously selected arms. We propose upper confidence bound- and Thompson sampling-based algorithms with sub-linear regret guarantees that efficiently select arms in each round. We then extend our theoretical results to contextual bandit problems with binary feedback, which is in itself a non-trivial contribution. Experimental results on the problem instances derived from synthetic datasets corroborate our theoretical results.

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