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Workshop: Next Generation of AI Safety

Marginal Fairness Sliced Wasserstein Barycenter

Khai Nguyen · Hai Nguyen · Nhat Ho

Keywords: [ Sliced Wasserstein ] [ Optimal Transport ] [ Averaging Measures. ] [ Sliced Wasserstein Barycenter ]


The sliced Wasserstein barycenter (SWB) is a widely acknowledged method for efficiently generalizing the averaging operation within probability measure spaces. However, achieving marginal fairness SWB, ensuring approximately equal distances from the barycenter to marginals, remains unexplored. The uniform weighted SWB is not necessarily the optimal choice to obtain the desired marginal fairness barycenter due to the heterogeneous structure of marginals and the non-optimality of the optimization. As the first attempt to tackle the problem, we define the marginal fairness sliced Wasserstein barycenter (MFSWB) as a constrained SWB problem. Due to the computational disadvantages of the formal definition, we propose two hyperparameter-free and computationally tractable surrogate MFSWB problems that implicitly minimize the distances to marginals and encourage marginal fairness at the same time. To further improve the efficiency, we perform slicing distribution selection and obtain the third surrogate definition by introducing a new slicing distribution that focuses more on marginally unfair projecting directions. We discuss the relationship of the three proposed problems and their relationship to sliced multi-marginal Wasserstein distance. Finally, we conduct experiments on finding 3D point-clouds averaging, color harmonization, and training of sliced Wasserstein autoencoder with class-fairness representation to show the favorable performance of the proposed surrogate MFSWB problems.

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