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Information Theory at ICML: A Confluence of Minds

Yao Xie

Ballroom C


The world of machine learning is vast and continually expanding, and one of the most exciting frontiers is the intersection with information theory. As the two fields continue to intermingle and influence each other, it's essential to cultivate a community of scholars and practitioners who share a passion for these disciplines. With this in mind, we organize the social session at the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) entitled "Information Theory at ICML: A Confluence of Minds". The primary objective of this social session is to provide a platform for the vibrant community of scholars, researchers, and practitioners coming from the information theory community attending ICML. This gathering aims to foster interactions, collaborations, and friendly networking among like-minded individuals, facilitating discussions about the latest research and trends at the intersection of machine learning and information theory.

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