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Workshop: 3rd Workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning in Healthcare (IMLH)

Is Task-Agnostic Explainable AI a Myth?

Alicja Chaszczewicz

Keywords: [ Healthcare ] [ XAI ] [ Interpretable Machine Learning ] [ explainable AI in healthcare ] [ AI explainability ]


Our work serves as a framework for unifying the challenges of contemporary explainable AI (XAI). We demonstrate that while XAI methods provide supplementary and potentially useful output for machine learning models, researchers and decision-makers should be mindful of their conceptual and technical limitations, which frequently result in these methods themselves becoming black boxes. We examine three XAI research avenues spanning image, textual, and graph data, covering saliency, attention, and graph-type explainers. Despite the varying contexts and timeframes of the mentioned cases, the same persistent roadblocks emerge, highlighting the need for a conceptual breakthrough in the field to address the challenge of compatibility between XAI methods and application tasks.

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