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Workshop: 3rd Workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning in Healthcare (IMLH)

Curve your Enthusiasm: Concurvity Regularization in Differentiable Generalized Additive Models

Julien Siems · Konstantin Ditschuneit · Winfried Ripken · Alma Lindborg · Maximilian Schambach · Johannes Otterbach · Martin Genzel

Keywords: [ Time-Series Forecasting ] [ Concurvity ] [ Generalized Additive Models ] [ Multicollinearity ] [ Interpretability ] [ Interpretable Machine Learning ] [ Regularization ]


Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) have recently experienced a resurgence in popularity, particularly in high-stakes domains such as healthcare. GAMs are favored due to their interpretability, which arises from expressing the target value as a sum of non-linear functions of the predictors. Despite the current enthusiasm for GAMs, their susceptibility to concurvity - i.e., (possibly non-linear) dependencies between the predictors - has hitherto been largely overlooked. Here, we demonstrate how concurvity can severly impair the interpretability of GAMs and propose a remedy: a conceptually simple, yet effective regularizer which penalizes pairwise correlations of the non-linearly transformed feature variables. This procedure is applicable to any gradient-based fitting of differentiable additive models, such as Neural Additive Models or NeuralProphet, and enhances interpretability by eliminating ambiguities due to self-canceling feature contributions. We validate the effectiveness of our regularizer in experiments on synthetic as well as real-world datasets for time-series and tabular data. Our experiments show that concurvity in GAMs can be reduced without significantly compromising prediction quality, improving interpretability and reducing variance in the feature importances.

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