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Minimax M-estimation under Adversarial Contamination

Sujay Bhatt · Guanhua Fang · Ping Li · Gennady Samorodnitsky

Room 310
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Abstract: We present a new finite-sample analysis of Catoni’s M-estimator under adversarial contamination, where an adversary is allowed to corrupt a fraction of the samples arbitrarily. We make minimal assumptions on the distribution of the uncontaminated random variables, namely, we only assume the existence of a known upper bound~$\upsilon_{\varepsilon} > 0$ on the~$(1+\varepsilon)^{th}$ central moment of the random variables, namely, for~$\varepsilon \in (0,1]$ \[ \mathbb{E}_{X_1 \sim \mathcal{D}} \Big| X_1 - \mu \Big|^{1+\varepsilon} \leq \upsilon_{\varepsilon}. \]We provide a lower bound on the minimax error rate for the mean estimation problem under adversarial corruption under this weak assumption, and establish that the proposed M-estimator achieves this lower bound (up to multiplicative constants). When the variance is infinite, the tolerance to contamination of any estimator reduces as~$\varepsilon \downarrow 0$. We establish a tight upper bound that characterizes this bargain. To illustrate the usefulness of the derived robust M-estimator in an online setting, we present a bandit algorithm for the partially identifiable best arm identification problem that improves upon the sample complexity of the state of the art algorithms.

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