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Room 310

Moderator: Mojmir Mutny

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Tue 19 July 13:15 - 13:35 PDT

Cooperative Online Learning in Stochastic and Adversarial MDPs

Tal Lancewicki · Aviv Rosenberg · Yishay Mansour

We study cooperative online learning in stochastic and adversarial Markov decision process (MDP). That is, in each episode, $m$ agents interact with an MDP simultaneously and share information in order to minimize their individual regret. We consider environments with two types of randomness: \emph{fresh} -- where each agent's trajectory is sampled i.i.d, and \emph{non-fresh} -- where the realization is shared by all agents (but each agent's trajectory is also affected by its own actions). More precisely, with non-fresh randomness the realization of every cost and transition is fixed at the start of each episode, and agents that take the same action in the same state at the same time observe the same cost and next state. We thoroughly analyze all relevant settings, highlight the challenges and differences between the models, and prove nearly-matching regret lower and upper bounds. To our knowledge, we are the first to consider cooperative reinforcement learning (RL) with either non-fresh randomness or in adversarial MDPs.

Tue 19 July 13:35 - 13:40 PDT

Simple and near-optimal algorithms for hidden stratification and multi-group learning

Christopher Tosh · Daniel Hsu

Multi-group agnostic learning is a formal learning criterion that is concerned with the conditional risks of predictors within subgroups of a population. The criterion addresses recent practical concerns such as subgroup fairness and hidden stratification. This paper studies the structure of solutions to the multi-group learningproblem, and provides simple and near-optimal algorithms for the learning problem.

Tue 19 July 13:40 - 13:45 PDT

Being Properly Improper

Tyler Sypherd · Richard Nock · Lalitha Sankar

Properness for supervised losses stipulates that the loss function shapes the learning algorithm towards the true posterior of the data generating distribution. Unfortunately, data in modern machine learning can be corrupted or twisted in many ways. Hence, optimizing a proper loss function on twisted data could perilously lead the learning algorithm towards the twisted posterior, rather than to the desired clean posterior. Many papers cope with specific twists (e.g., label/feature/adversarial noise), but there is a growing need for a unified and actionable understanding atop properness. Our chief theoretical contribution is a generalization of the properness framework with a notion called twist-properness, which delineates loss functions with the ability to "untwist" the twisted posterior into the clean posterior. Notably, we show that a nontrivial extension of a loss function called alpha-loss, which was first introduced in information theory, is twist-proper. We study the twist-proper alpha-loss under a novel boosting algorithm, called PILBoost, and provide formal and experimental results for this algorithm. Our overarching practical conclusion is that the twist-proper alpha-loss outperforms the proper log-loss on several variants of twisted data.

Tue 19 July 13:45 - 13:50 PDT

Neural Network Pruning Denoises the Features and Makes Local Connectivity Emerge in Visual Tasks

Franco Pellegrini · Giulio Biroli

Pruning methods can considerably reduce the size of artificial neural networks without harming their performance and in some cases they can even uncover sub-networks that, when trained in isolation, match or surpass the test accuracy of their dense counterparts. Here, we characterize the inductive bias that pruning imprints in such "winning lottery tickets": focusing on visual tasks, we analyze the architecture resulting from iterative magnitude pruning of a simple fully connected network. We show that the surviving node connectivity is local in input space, and organized in patterns reminiscent of the ones found in convolutional networks. We investigate the role played by data and tasks in shaping the architecture of the pruned sub-network. We find that pruning performances, and the ability to sift out the noise and make local features emerge, improve by increasing the size of the training set, and the semantic value of the data. We also study different pruning procedures, and find that iterative magnitude pruning is particularly effective in distilling meaningful connectivity out of features present in the original task. Our results suggest the possibility to automatically discover new and efficient architectural inductive biases in other datasets and tasks.

Tue 19 July 13:50 - 13:55 PDT

On the Finite-Time Complexity and Practical Computation of Approximate Stationarity Concepts of Lipschitz Functions

Lai Tian · Kaiwen Zhou · Anthony Man-Cho So

We report a practical finite-time algorithmic scheme to compute approximately stationary points for nonconvex nonsmooth Lipschitz functions. In particular, we are interested in two kinds of approximate stationarity notions for nonconvex nonsmooth problems, i.e., Goldstein approximate stationarity (GAS) and near-approximate stationarity (NAS). For GAS, our scheme removes the unrealistic subgradient selection oracle assumption in (Zhang et al., 2020, Assumption 1) and computes GAS with the same finite-time complexity. For NAS, Davis & Drusvyatskiy (2019) showed that $\rho$-weakly convex functions admit finite-time computation, while Tian & So (2021) provided the matching impossibility results of dimension-free finite-time complexity for first-order methods. Complement to these developments, in this paper, we isolate a new class of functions that could be Clarke irregular (and thus not weakly convex anymore) and show that our new algorithmic scheme can compute NAS points for functions in that class within finite time. To demonstrate the wide applicability of our new theoretical framework, we show that $\rho$-margin SVM, $1$-layer, and $2$-layer ReLU neural networks, all being Clarke irregular, satisfy our new conditions.

Tue 19 July 13:55 - 14:00 PDT

Nearly Optimal Policy Optimization with Stable at Any Time Guarantee

Tianhao Wu · Yunchang Yang · Han Zhong · Liwei Wang · Simon Du · Jiantao Jiao

Policy optimization methods are one of the most widely used classes of Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms. However, theoretical understanding of these methods remains insufficient. Even in the episodic (time-inhomogeneous) tabular setting, the state-of-the-art theoretical result of policy-based method in Shani et al. (2020) is only $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{S^2AH^4K})$ where $S$ is the number of states, $A$ is the number of actions, $H$ is the horizon, and $K$ is the number of episodes, and there is a $\sqrt{SH}$ gap compared with the information theoretic lower bound $\tilde{\Omega}(\sqrt{SAH^3K})$ (Jin et al., 2018). To bridge such a gap, we propose a novel algorithm Reference-based Policy Optimization with Stable at Any Time guarantee (RPO-SAT), which features the property ``Stable at Any Time''. We prove that our algorithm achieves $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{SAH^3K} + \sqrt{AH^4K})$ regret. When $S > H$, our algorithm is minimax optimal when ignoring logarithmic factors. To our best knowledge, RPO-SAT is the first computationally efficient, nearly minimax optimal policy-based algorithm for tabular RL.

Tue 19 July 14:00 - 14:20 PDT

Contextual Bandits with Smooth Regret: Efficient Learning in Continuous Action Spaces

Yinglun Zhu · Paul Mineiro

Designing efficient general-purpose contextual bandit algorithms that work with large---or even infinite---action spaces would facilitate application to important scenarios such as information retrieval, recommendation systems, and continuous control. While obtaining standard regret guarantees can be hopeless, alternative regret notions have been proposed to tackle the large action setting. We propose a smooth regret notion for contextual bandits, which dominates previously proposed alternatives. We design a statistically and computationally efficient algorithm---for the proposed smooth regret---that works with general function approximation under standard supervised oracles. We also present an adaptive algorithm that automatically adapts to any smoothness level. Our algorithms can be used to recover the previous minimax/Pareto optimal guarantees under the standard regret, e.g., in bandit problems with multiple best arms and Lipschitz/H{\"o}lder bandits. We conduct large-scale empirical evaluations demonstrating the efficacy of our proposed algorithms.

Tue 19 July 14:20 - 14:25 PDT

Minimax M-estimation under Adversarial Contamination

Sujay Bhatt · Guanhua Fang · Ping Li · Gennady Samorodnitsky

We present a new finite-sample analysis of Catoni’s M-estimator under adversarial contamination, where an adversary is allowed to corrupt a fraction of the samples arbitrarily. We make minimal assumptions on the distribution of the uncontaminated random variables, namely, we only assume the existence of a known upper bound~$\upsilon_{\varepsilon} > 0$ on the~$(1+\varepsilon)^{th}$ central moment of the random variables, namely, for~$\varepsilon \in (0,1]$ \[ \mathbb{E}_{X_1 \sim \mathcal{D}} \Big| X_1 - \mu \Big|^{1+\varepsilon} \leq \upsilon_{\varepsilon}. \]We provide a lower bound on the minimax error rate for the mean estimation problem under adversarial corruption under this weak assumption, and establish that the proposed M-estimator achieves this lower bound (up to multiplicative constants). When the variance is infinite, the tolerance to contamination of any estimator reduces as~$\varepsilon \downarrow 0$. We establish a tight upper bound that characterizes this bargain. To illustrate the usefulness of the derived robust M-estimator in an online setting, we present a bandit algorithm for the partially identifiable best arm identification problem that improves upon the sample complexity of the state of the art algorithms.

Tue 19 July 14:25 - 14:30 PDT

Adaptive Best-of-Both-Worlds Algorithm for Heavy-Tailed Multi-Armed Bandits

Jiatai Huang · Yan Dai · Longbo Huang

In this paper, we generalize the concept of heavy-tailed multi-armed bandits to adversarial environments, and develop robust best-of-both-worlds algorithms for heavy-tailed multi-armed bandits (MAB), where losses have $\alpha$-th ($1<\alpha\le 2$) moments bounded by $\sigma^\alpha$, while the variances may not exist. Specifically, we design an algorithm \texttt{HTINF}, when the heavy-tail parameters $\alpha$ and $\sigma$ are known to the agent, \texttt{HTINF} simultaneously achieves the optimal regret for both stochastic and adversarial environments, without knowing the actual environment type a-priori. When $\alpha,\sigma$ are unknown, \texttt{HTINF} achieves a $\log T$-style instance-dependent regret in stochastic cases and $o(T)$ no-regret guarantee in adversarial cases. We further develop an algorithm \texttt{AdaTINF}, achieving $\mathcal O(\sigma K^{1-\nicefrac 1\alpha}T^{\nicefrac{1}{\alpha}})$ minimax optimal regret even in adversarial settings, without prior knowledge on $\alpha$ and $\sigma$. This result matches the known regret lower-bound (Bubeck et al., 2013), which assumed a stochastic environment and $\alpha$ and $\sigma$ are both known. To our knowledge, the proposed \texttt{HTINF} algorithm is the first to enjoy a best-of-both-worlds regret guarantee, and \texttt{AdaTINF} is the first algorithm that can adapt to both $\alpha$ and $\sigma$ to achieve optimal gap-indepedent regret bound in classical heavy-tailed stochastic MAB setting and our novel adversarial formulation.

Tue 19 July 14:30 - 14:35 PDT

Efficiently Learning the Topology and Behavior of a Networked Dynamical System Via Active Queries

Daniel Rosenkrantz · Abhijin Adiga · Madhav Marathe · Zirou Qiu · S. S. Ravi · Richard Stearns · Anil Vullikanti

Using a discrete dynamical system model, many papers have addressedthe problem of learning the behavior (i.e., the local function ateach node) of a networked system through active queries, assumingthat the network topology is known. We address the problem ofinferring both the topology of the network and the behavior of adiscrete dynamical system through active queries. We consider twoquery models studied in the literature, namely the batch model(where all the queries must be submitted together) and the adaptivemodel (where responses to previous queries can be used in formulatinga new query). Our results are for systems where the state of eachnode is from {0,1} and the local functions are Boolean. We presentalgorithms to learn the topology and the behavior under both batchand adaptive query models for several classes of dynamical systems.These algorithms use only a polynomial number of queries. We alsopresent experimental results obtained by running our query generationalgorithms on synthetic and real-world networks.

Tue 19 July 14:35 - 14:40 PDT

Boosting Graph Structure Learning with Dummy Nodes

Xin Liu · Jiayang Cheng · Yangqiu Song · Xin Jiang

With the development of graph kernels and graph representation learning, many superior methods have been proposed to handle scalability and oversmoothing issues on graph structure learning. However, most of those strategies are designed based on practical experience rather than theoretical analysis. In this paper, we use a particular dummy node connecting to all existing vertices without affecting original vertex and edge properties. We further prove that such the dummy node can help build an efficient monomorphic edge-to-vertex transform and an epimorphic inverse to recover the original graph back. It also indicates that adding dummy nodes can preserve local and global structures for better graph representation learning. We extend graph kernels and graph neural networks with dummy nodes and conduct experiments on graph classification and subgraph isomorphism matching tasks. Empirical results demonstrate that taking graphs with dummy nodes as input significantly boosts graph structure learning, and using their edge-to-vertex graphs can also achieve similar results. We also discuss the gain of expressive power from the dummy in neural networks.

Tue 19 July 14:40 - 14:45 PDT

Lazy Estimation of Variable Importance for Large Neural Networks

Yue Gao · Abby Stevens · Garvesh Raskutti · Rebecca Willett

As opaque predictive models increasingly impact many areas of modern life, interest in quantifying the importance of a given input variable for making a specific prediction has grown. Recently, there has been a proliferation of model-agnostic methods to measure variable importance (VI) that analyze the difference in predictive power between a full model trained on all variables and a reduced model that excludes the variable(s) of interest. A bottleneck common to these methods is the estimation of the reduced model for each variable (or subset of variables), which is an expensive process that often does not come with theoretical guarantees. In this work, we propose a fast and flexible method for approximating the reduced model with important inferential guarantees. We replace the need for fully retraining a wide neural network by a linearization initialized at the full model parameters. By adding a ridge-like penalty to make the problem convex, we prove that when the ridge penalty parameter is sufficiently large, our method estimates the variable importance measure with an error rate of O(1/n) where n is the number of training samples. We also show that our estimator is asymptotically normal, enabling us to provide confidence bounds for the VI estimates. We demonstrate through simulations that our method is fast and accurate under several data-generating regimes, and we demonstrate its real-world applicability on a seasonal climate forecasting example.