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Workshop: Decision Awareness in Reinforcement Learning

Distributionally Adaptive Meta Reinforcement Learning

Anurag Ajay · Dibya Ghosh · Sergey Levine · Pulkit Agrawal · Abhishek Gupta


Meta-reinforcement learning algorithms provide a data-driven way to acquire learning algorithms that quickly adapt to many tasks with varying rewards or dynamics functions. However, learned meta-policies are often effective only on the exact task distribution on which the policy was trained, and struggle in the presence of distribution shift of test-time rewards or transition dynamics. In this work, we develop a framework for meta-RL algorithms that are able to behave appropriately under test-time distribution shifts in the space of tasks. Our framework centers on an adaptive approach to distributional robustness, in which we train a population of meta-agents to be robust to varying levels of distribution shift, so that when evaluated on a (potentially shifted) test-time distribution of tasks, we can adaptively choose the most appropriate meta-agent to follow. We formally show how this framework allows for improved regret under distribution shift, and empirically show its efficacy on simulated robotics problems under a wide range of distribution shifts.

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