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ICML 2025 Author Instructions 

Paper Submissions

Submitted papers are composed of a main body, which can be up to eight pages long, followed by any number of pages for references and appendices, all in a single PDF file. (Final versions of accepted papers will be published in the same way, with references and appendices included.)  The submission PDF has a maximum size of 50MB while the camera ready version will be limited to 20MB. The required format of the papers is specified in the LaTeX style files and the example paper. There is no support for any typesetting software other than LaTeX. All submissions must be anonymized and follow the required format; otherwise, they will automatically be rejected. In particular, any submission whose main body goes over the 8 page limit will be automatically rejected. (The final version of each accepted paper will be allowed an extra page. See the example paper for further information.)

Authors have the option of uploading extra files as Supplementary Materials to provide further details of their work (e.g., code/data that supports experimental findings, other (anonymized) papers of the authors whose results are needed by the submitted paper). It is entirely up to the reviewers to decide whether they wish to consult any of the appendices in the submitted paper or this Supplementary Material. Therefore, if there is material critical to the evaluation of the paper, it needs to be included in the main body of the paper. See below for more details.

Authors are encouraged to submit code to foster reproducibility. Reproducibility of results and easy availability of code will be taken into account in the decision-making process. Authors should not include links to non-anonymized repositories; instead, they should submit the code base itself or anonymized repositories.

Authors will be asked to confirm that their submissions accord with the ICML code of conduct.

Submissions will be handled through OpenReview. See the Call for Papers for important dates and deadlines, including the suggested deadline for creating an account on OpenReview.

Supplementary Material

ICML 2025 supports the submission of two kinds of supplementary material: supplementary manuscripts and code/data. In particular, if an anonymous reference is made in the paper, authors should upload the referenced papers, so that the reviewers can check the results in the referred paper. The supplementary material must also be anonymized. Note that traditional text appendices to the paper need not be submitted as a separate Supplementary Material; as mentioned above, unlimited appendices are allowed in the main submission file of a paper.

The supplementary code can be submitted as either a zip file or a pdf. For code submissions, we expect authors to anonymize the submitted code. This means that author names and licenses should be removed. Submission of code through anonymous GitHub repositories is also allowed; however, they have to be on a branch that will not be modified after the submission deadline. Please enter the GitHub link in a standalone text file in a submitted zip file. Data submissions (provided that the authors have the right to do so) in anonymous repositories are welcome.

Supplementary Material will not be published or archived, and there are no format restrictions. Authors are therefore responsible for the archival and access of the supplementary if they want to refer to it in the final version of their paper.

There is no separate deadline for Supplementary Material: All supplementalary material must be submitted by the same deadline as the paper submission.

Double-Blind Reviewing

Reviewing for ICML 2025 is double-blind: reviewers will not know the authors’ identities and vice versa. Detailed instructions for anonymizing the submission are contained in the aforementioned example paper. In brief, authors should refer to their prior work in the third person wherever possible. They should refrain from including acknowledgements, grant numbers, or links to public code repositories in their submissions.

Previously published papers with substantial overlap written by the authors must be cited in such a way so as to preserve author anonymity. Differences relative to these earlier papers must be explained in the text of the submission. For example: “This work builds on [reference], which showed that…”. If an anonymous reference is needed in the paper (e.g., for referring to the authors’ own work that is under review elsewhere), include the referred work as Supplementary Material as noted above. Note that anonymizing the submissions is mandatory, and papers that explicitly or implicitly reveal the authors’ identities will be rejected.

It may be possible for reviewers to deduce the authors’ identities by using external resources, such as technical reports published on the internet or elsewhere. The availability of such external resources that may allow reviewers to infer the authors’ identities does not constitute a breach of the double-blind submission policy. Reviewers are explicitly asked not to seek out this information.

Please see the Call for Papers for additional policies concerning double-blind reviewing.

Reviewing and Author Response

Submitted papers will not be publicly accessible during the review period. Only accepted papers will be made public through OpenReview. Reviewers are forbidden from sharing papers they receive for review, or using the material in any way other than to provide their review.

After initial reviews, authors will have the opportunity to respond to reviewer comments. During this response period, authors can see the reviews and respond to their content, but these responses will only be visible to the reviewers after this period. During the subsequent discussion period, reviewers and authors will be able to engage in one additional round of communication, to follow-up on any remaining questions or concerns.

Any of the authors of a paper can enter/edit the responses. As reviewing is double-blind, the response should not contain information that could reveal the authors’ identities. In addition, the response should not contain non-anonymized URLs, URLs for personal websites, or “shortened” URLs (e.g., as provided via tinyurl, which could log a reviewer’s IP). Reviewers are not expected to follow external URLs in the response.

Keep in mind that there is no need to respond to every minor question or suggestion for improvement. Rather, the response is a good opportunity for addressing issues like a reviewer’s uncertainty about a point, a reviewer making an incorrect assumption, or a reviewer misunderstanding some part of the paper. Responses that use professional and polite language are generally the most effective.

We aim to provide three reviews for every paper, although the precise number may vary. The reviewer IDs uniquely specify the reviewers of the paper but are otherwise arbitrary. The structure of the author response is up to the authors. It is typical to organize the response by reviewers and to use the reviewer IDs to refer to the particular reviews.

There is no option to upload a revised version of the paper during the author feedback period.

Camera-Ready Papers and Post-Conference Revisions

Authors of accepted papers will be able to upload non-anonymized “camera-ready” versions of their paper. Authors may choose to (but are not required to) make changes as suggested by the reviewers, as well as other improvements, so long as the essential content of the paper remains unchanged compared to what the reviewers have seen.

Authors must upload a camera-ready version of the paper by the camera-ready deadline prior to the conference; this version of the paper will be made publicly available through OpenReview after this deadline.

After the conference, authors will be able to (but are not required to) revise the camera-ready version of their paper (e.g., to incorporate any feedback received during the conference). These revisions must be made by the post-conference revision deadline. After this deadline, the latest camera-ready version of the paper will be published in the ICML 2025 proceedings through PMLR.

Additional Policies

Please see the Call for Papers for additional policies concerning dual submissions, use of generative AI tools (including LLMs), ethical conduct for peer review, impact statements, and lay summaries.


Authors are encouraged to make their submissions as accessible as possible for everyone including people with disabilities and sensory or neurological differences.

Revised January 28th, 2025 (clarified submission size limit and updated camera ready size to 20MB)