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Wed Jul 26 07:00 PM -- 07:08 PM (PDT) @ Ballroom A None
Adversarial Policies Beat Superhuman Go AIs
Tony Wang · Adam Gleave · Tom Tseng · Kellin Pelrine · Nora Belrose · Joseph Miller · Michael Dennis · Yawen Duan · Viktor Pogrebniak · Sergey Levine · Stuart Russell
[ Slides [ PDF
Wed Jul 26 07:08 PM -- 07:16 PM (PDT) @ Ballroom A None
Adapting to game trees in zero-sum imperfect information games
Côme Fiegel · Pierre Menard · Tadashi Kozuno · Remi Munos · Vianney Perchet · Michal Valko
Wed Jul 26 07:16 PM -- 07:24 PM (PDT) @ Ballroom A None
Semi Bandit dynamics in Congestion Games: Convergence to Nash Equilibrium and No-Regret Guarantees.
Ioannis Panageas · EFSTRATIOS PANTELEIMON SKOULAKIS · Luca Viano · Xiao Wang · Volkan Cevher
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Wed Jul 26 07:24 PM -- 07:32 PM (PDT) @ Ballroom A None
Delving into Noisy Label Detection with Clean Data
Chenglin Yu · Xinsong Ma · Weiwei Liu
Wed Jul 26 07:32 PM -- 07:40 PM (PDT) @ Ballroom A None
Robustly Learning a Single Neuron via Sharpness
Puqian Wang · Nikos Zarifis · Ilias Diakonikolas · Jelena Diakonikolas
Wed Jul 26 07:40 PM -- 07:48 PM (PDT) @ Ballroom A None
Data Feedback Loops: Model-driven Amplification of Dataset Biases
Rohan Taori · Tatsunori Hashimoto
Wed Jul 26 07:48 PM -- 07:56 PM (PDT) @ Ballroom A None
Towards Reliable Neural Specifications
Chuqin Geng · Van Nham Le · Xiaojie Xu · Zhaoyue Wang · Arie Gurfinkel · Xujie Si
Wed Jul 26 07:56 PM -- 08:04 PM (PDT) @ Ballroom A None
Do Perceptually Aligned Gradients Imply Robustness?
Roy Ganz · Bahjat Kawar · Michael Elad
Wed Jul 26 08:04 PM -- 08:12 PM (PDT) @ Ballroom A None
ODS: Test-Time Adaptation in the Presence of Open-World Data Shift
Zhi Zhou · Lan-Zhe Guo · Lin-Han Jia · Dingchu Zhang · Yu-Feng Li
[ Slides [ PDF
Wed Jul 26 08:12 PM -- 08:20 PM (PDT) @ Ballroom A None
Analysis of Error Feedback in Federated Non-Convex Optimization with Biased Compression: Fast Convergence and Partial Participation
Xiaoyun Li · Ping Li
[ Slides [ PDF