We study the problem of full-information online learning in the bounded recall'' setting popular in the study of repeated games. An online learning algorithm A is M-*bounded-recall* if its output at time t can be written as a function of the M previous rewards (and not e.g. any other internal state of A). We first demonstrate that a natural approach to constructing bounded-recall algorithms from mean-based no-regret learning algorithms (e.g., running Hedge over the last M rounds) fails, and that any such algorithm incurs constant regret per round. We then construct a stationary bounded-recall algorithm that achieves a per-round regret of Θ(1/√M), which we complement with a tight lower bound. Finally, we show that unlike the perfect recall setting, any low regret bound bounded-recall algorithm must be aware of the ordering of the past M losses -- any bounded-recall algorithm which plays a symmetric function of the past M losses must incur constant regret per round.
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