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Interplay of ROC and Precision-Recall AUCs: Theoretical Limits and Practical Implications in Binary Classification

Martin Mihelich · François Castagnos · Charles Dognin

Hall C 4-9 #2003

Abstract: In this paper, we present two key theorems that should have significant implications for machine learning practitioners working with binary classification models. The first theorem provides a formula to calculate the maximum and minimum Precision-Recall AUC (AUCPR) for a fixed Receiver Operating Characteristic AUC (AUCROC), demonstrating the variability of AUCPR even with a high AUCROC. This is particularly relevant for imbalanced datasets, where a good AUCROC does not necessarily imply a high AUCPR. The second theorem inversely establishes the bounds of AUCROC given a fixed AUCPR. Our findings highlight that in certain situations, especially for imbalanced datasets, it is more informative to prioritize AUCPR over AUCROC. Additionally, we introduce a method to determine when a higher AUCROC in one model implies a higher AUCPR in another and vice versa, streamlining the model evaluation process.

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