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Binary Decomposition: A Problem Transformation Perspective for Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning

Jun-Yi Hang · Min-Ling Zhang

Hall C 4-9
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Thu 25 Jul 4:30 a.m. PDT — 6 a.m. PDT


Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is a classical machine learning paradigm dealing with labeled and unlabeled data. However, it often suffers performance degradation in real-world open-set scenarios, where unlabeled data contains outliers from novel categories that do not appear in labeled data. Existing studies commonly tackle this challenging open-set SSL problem with detect-and-filter strategy, which attempts to purify unlabeled data by detecting and filtering outliers. In this paper, we propose a novel binary decomposition strategy, which refrains from error-prone procedure of outlier detection by directly transforming the original open-set SSL problem into a number of standard binary SSL problems. Accordingly, a concise yet effective approach named BDMatch is presented. BDMatch confronts two attendant issues brought by binary decomposition, i.e. class-imbalance and representation-compromise, with adaptive logit adjustment and label-specific feature learning respectively. Comprehensive experiments on diversified benchmarks clearly validate the superiority of BDMatch as well as the effectiveness of our binary decomposition strategy.

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