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Women in Machine Learning (WiML) Affinity Workshop Proposal for ICML 2024

Caroline Weis · Tatjana Chavdarova · Mandana Samiei

Schubert 1 - 6
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Wed 24 Jul midnight PDT — 7 a.m. PDT


The Women in Machine Learning (WiML) workshop was founded in 2006 to forge connections within the relatively small community of women working in machine learning, to encourage mentorship and exchange of ideas, and to promote communication. This year, we aim to focus particularly on the elements that have driven high participant interaction and networking based on our experience from past WiML events, while keeping the program shorter. Instead of the participant-led breakout sessions, the invited speakers and/or panelists will lead a Q&A/breakout session, occurring in parallel to each other in a 1-hour time-slot. The idea is that after participants have heard about a topic from the respective talk, there will be more questions and engagements. In addition to the short talks and parallel Q&A sessions, the program will include mentoring and career roundtables and panel discussions.To indicate the change to a shorter program and emphasize the more interactive format, we are planning to rebrand the next iteration of this workshop. We would like to organize the first “WiML Symposium” at the ICML 2024 conference.

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