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Oral C4 Optimization

Ballroom B

Moderator: Samuel Vaiter

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Thu 27 July 18:00 - 18:08 PDT

Second-Order Optimization with Lazy Hessians

Nikita Doikov · El Mahdi Chayti · Martin Jaggi

We analyze Newton's method with lazy Hessian updates for solving general possibly non-convex optimization problems. We propose to reuse a previously seen Hessian for several iterations while computing new gradients at each step of the method. This significantly reduces the overall arithmetic complexity of second-order optimization schemes. By using the cubic regularization technique, we establish fast global convergence of our method to a second-order stationary point, while the Hessian does not need to be updated each iteration. For convex problems, we justify global and local superlinear rates for lazy Newton steps with quadratic regularization, which is easier to compute. The optimal frequency for updating the Hessian is once every $d$ iterations, where $d$ is the dimension of the problem. This provably improves the total arithmetic complexity of second-order algorithms by a factor $\sqrt{d}$.

Thu 27 July 18:08 - 18:16 PDT

Unifying Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient Methods for Convex and Strongly Convex Objective Functions

Jungbin Kim · Insoon Yang

Although Nesterov's accelerated gradient method (AGM) has been studied from various perspectives, it remains unclear why the most popular forms of AGMs must handle convex and strongly convex objective functions separately. To address this inconsistency, we propose a novel unified framework for Lagrangians, ordinary differential equation (ODE) models, and algorithms. As a special case, our new simple momentum algorithm, which we call the unified AGM, seamlessly bridges the gap between the two most popular forms of Nesterov's AGM and has a superior convergence guarantee compared to existing algorithms for non-strongly convex objective functions. This property is beneficial in practice when considering ill-conditioned $\mu$-strongly convex objective functions (with small $\mu$). Furthermore, we generalize this algorithm and the corresponding ODE model to the higher-order non-Euclidean setting. Last but not least, our unified framework is used to construct the unified AGM-G ODE, a novel ODE model for minimizing the gradient norm of strongly convex functions.

Thu 27 July 18:16 - 18:24 PDT

Transformer-based Stagewise Decomposition for Large-Scale Multistage Stochastic Optimization

Chanyeong Kim · Jongwoong Park · Hyunglip Bae · Woo Chang Kim

Solving large-scale multistage stochastic programming (MSP) problems poses a significant challenge as commonly used stagewise decomposition algorithms, including stochastic dual dynamic programming (SDDP), face growing time complexity as the subproblem size and problem count increase. Traditional approaches approximate the value functions as piecewise linear convex functions by incrementally accumulating subgradient cutting planes from the primal and dual solutions of stagewise subproblems. Recognizing these limitations, we introduce TranSDDP, a novel Transformer-based stagewise decomposition algorithm. This innovative approach leverages the structural advantages of the Transformer model, implementing a sequential method for integrating subgradient cutting planes to approximate the value function. Through our numerical experiments, we affirm TranSDDP's effectiveness in addressing MSP problems. It efficiently generates a piecewise linear approximation for the value function, significantly reducing computation time while preserving solution quality, thus marking a promising progression in the treatment of large-scale multistage stochastic programming problems.

Thu 27 July 18:24 - 18:32 PDT

Continuation Path Learning for Homotopy Optimization

Xi Lin · Zhiyuan Yang · Xiaoyuan Zhang · Qingfu Zhang

Homotopy optimization is a traditional method to deal with a complicated optimization problem by solving a sequence of easy-to-hard surrogate subproblems. However, this method can be very sensitive to the continuation schedule design and might lead to a suboptimal solution to the original problem. In addition, the intermediate solutions, often ignored by classic homotopy optimization, could be useful for many real-world applications. In this work, we propose a novel model-based approach to learn the whole continuation path for homotopy optimization, which contains infinite intermediate solutions for any surrogate subproblems. Rather than the classic unidirectional easy-to-hard optimization, our method can simultaneously optimize the original problem and all surrogate subproblems in a collaborative manner. The proposed model also supports the real-time generation of any intermediate solution, which could be desirable for many applications. Experimental studies on different problems show that our proposed method can significantly improve the performance of homotopy optimization and provide extra helpful information to support better decision-making.

Thu 27 July 18:32 - 18:40 PDT

Over-parametrization via Lifting for Low-rank Matrix Sensing: Conversion of Spurious Solutions to Strict Saddle Points

Ziye Ma · Igor Molybog · Javad Lavaei · Somayeh Sojoudi

This paper studies the role of over-parametrization in solving non-convex optimization problems. The focus is on the important class of low-rank matrix sensing, where we propose an infinite hierarchy of non-convex problems via the lifting technique and the Burer-Monteiro factorization. This contrasts with the existing over-parametrization technique where the search rank is limited by the dimension of the matrix and it does not allow a rich over-parametrization of an arbitrary degree. We show that although the spurious solutions of the problem remain stationary points through the hierarchy, they will be transformed into strict saddle points (under some technical conditions) and can be escaped via local search methods. This is the first result in the literature showing that over-parametrization creates a negative curvature for escaping spurious solutions. We also derive a bound on how much over-parametrization is requited to enable the elimination of spurious solutions.

Thu 27 July 18:40 - 18:48 PDT

Buying Information for Stochastic Optimization

Mingchen Ma · Christos Tzamos

Stochastic optimization is one of the central problems in Machine Learning and Theoretical Computer Science. In the standard model, the algorithm is given a fixed distribution known in advance. In practice though, one may acquire at a cost extra information to make better decisions. In this paper, we study how to buy information for stochastic optimization and formulate this question as an online learning problem. Assuming the learner has an oracle for the original optimization problem, we design a $2$-competitive deterministic algorithm and a $e/(e-1)$-competitive randomized algorithm for buying information. We show that this ratio is tight as the problem is equivalent to a robust generalization of the ski-rental problem, which we call super-martingale stopping. We also consider an adaptive setting where the learner can choose to buy information after taking some actions for the underlying optimization problem. We focus on the classic optimization problem, Min-Sum Set Cover, where the goal is to quickly find an action that covers a given request drawn from a known distribution. We provide an $8$-competitive algorithm running in polynomial time that chooses actions and decides when to buy information about the underlying request.

Thu 27 July 18:48 - 18:56 PDT

A Fully First-Order Method for Stochastic Bilevel Optimization

Jeongyeol Kwon · Dohyun Kwon · Stephen Wright · Robert Nowak

We consider stochastic unconstrained bilevel optimization problems when only the first-order gradient oracles are available. While numerous optimization methods have been proposed for tackling bilevel problems, existing methods either tend to require possibly expensive calculations regarding Hessians of lower-level objectives, or lack rigorous finite-time performance guarantees. In this work, we propose a Fully First-order Stochastic Approximation (F2SA) method, and study its non-asymptotic convergence properties. Specifically, we show that F2SA converges to an $\epsilon$-stationary solution of the bilevel problem after $\epsilon^{-7/2}, \epsilon^{-5/2}$, and $\epsilon^{-3/2}$ iterations (each iteration using $O(1)$ samples) when stochastic noises are in both level objectives, only in the upper-level objective, and not present (deterministic settings), respectively. We further show that if we employ momentum-assisted gradient estimators, the iteration complexities can be improved to $\epsilon^{-5/2}, \epsilon^{-4/2}$, and $\epsilon^{-3/2}$, respectively. We demonstrate even superior practical performance of the proposed method over existing second-order based approaches on MNIST data-hypercleaning experiments.

Thu 27 July 18:56 - 19:04 PDT

Practical and Matching Gradient Variance Bounds for Black-Box Variational Bayesian Inference

Kyurae Kim · Kaiwen Wu · Jisu Oh · Jacob Gardner

Understanding the gradient variance of black-box variational inference (BBVI) is a crucial step for establishing its convergence and developing algorithmic improvements. However, existing studies have yet to show that the gradient variance of BBVI satisfies the conditions used to study the convergence of stochastic gradient descent (SGD), the workhorse of BBVI. In this work, we show that BBVI satisfies a matching bound corresponding to the ABC condition used in the SGD literature when applied to smooth and quadratically-growing log-likelihoods. Our results generalize to nonlinear covariance parameterizations widely used in the practice of BBVI. Furthermore, we show that the variance of the mean-field parameterization has provably superior dimensional dependence.

Thu 27 July 19:04 - 19:12 PDT

Outstanding Paper
Learning-Rate-Free Learning by D-Adaptation

Aaron Defazio · Konstantin Mishchenko

The speed of gradient descent for convex Lipschitz functions is highly dependent on the choice of learning rate. Setting the learning rate to achieve the optimal convergence rate requires knowing the distance D from the initial point to the solution set. In this work, we describe a single-loop method, with no back-tracking or line searches, which does not require knowledge of D yet asymptotically achieves the optimal rate of convergence for the complexity class of convex Lipschitz functions. Our approach is the first parameter-free method for this class without additional multiplicative log factors in the convergence rate. We present extensive experiments for SGD and Adam variants of our method, where the method automatically matches hand-tuned learning rates across more than a dozen diverse machine learning problems, including large-scale vision and language problems. Our method is practical, efficient and requires no additional function value or gradient evaluations each step. An implementation is provided in the supplementary material.