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Oral C2 Time Series / Dynamics / Sequences

Meeting Room 316 A-C

Moderator: Ramin Hasani

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Thu 27 July 18:00 - 18:08 PDT

Neural Continuous-Discrete State Space Models for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series

Abdul Fatir Ansari · Alvin Heng · Andre Lim · Harold Soh

Learning accurate predictive models of real-world dynamic phenomena (e.g., climate, biological) remains a challenging task. One key issue is that the data generated by both natural and artificial processes often comprise time series that are irregularly sampled and/or contain missing observations. In this work, we propose the Neural Continuous-Discrete State Space Model (NCDSSM) for continuous-time modeling of time series through discrete-time observations. NCDSSM employs auxiliary variables to disentangle recognition from dynamics, thus requiring amortized inference only for the auxiliary variables. Leveraging techniques from continuous-discrete filtering theory, we demonstrate how to perform accurate Bayesian inference for the dynamic states. We propose three flexible parameterizations of the latent dynamics and an efficient training objective that marginalizes the dynamic states during inference. Empirical results on multiple benchmark datasets across various domains show improved imputation and forecasting performance of NCDSSM over existing models.

Thu 27 July 18:08 - 18:16 PDT

Self-Interpretable Time Series Prediction with Counterfactual Explanations

Jingquan Yan · Hao Wang

Interpretable time series prediction is crucial for safety-critical areas such as healthcare and autonomous driving. Most existing methods focus on interpreting predictions by assigning important scores to segments of time series. In this paper, we take a different and more challenging route and aim at developing a self-interpretable model, dubbed Counterfactual Time Series (CounTS), which generates counterfactual and actionable explanations for time series predictions. Specifically, we formalize the problem of time series counterfactual explanations, establish associated evaluation protocols, and propose a variational Bayesian deep learning model equipped with counterfactual inference capability of time series abduction, action, and prediction. Compared with state-of-the-art baselines, our self-interpretable model can generate better counterfactual explanations while maintaining comparable prediction accuracy.

Thu 27 July 18:16 - 18:24 PDT

Resurrecting Recurrent Neural Networks for Long Sequences

Antonio Orvieto · Samuel Smith · Albert Gu · Anushan Fernando · Caglar Gulcehre · Razvan Pascanu · Soham De

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) offer fast inference on long sequences but are hard to optimize and slow to train. Deep state-space models (SSMs) have recently been shown to perform remarkably well on long sequence modeling tasks, and have the added benefits of fast parallelizable training and RNN-like fast inference. However, while SSMs are superficially similar to RNNs, there are important differences that make it unclear where their performance boost over RNNs comes from. We show that careful design of deep RNNs using standard signal propagation arguments can recover the impressive performance of deep SSMs on long-range reasoning tasks, while matching their training speed. To achieve this, we analyze and ablate a series of changes to standard RNNs including linearizing and diagonalizing the recurrence, using better parameterizations and initializations, and ensuring careful normalization of the forward pass. Our results provide new insights on the origins of the impressive performance of deep SSMs, and introduce an RNN block called the Linear Recurrent Unit (or LRU) that matches both their performance on the Long Range Arena benchmark and their computational efficiency.

Thu 27 July 18:24 - 18:32 PDT

Inferring Relational Potentials in Interacting Systems

Armand Comas · Yilun Du · Christian Fernandez Lopez · Sandesh Ghimire · Mario Sznaier · Josh Tenenbaum · Octavia Camps

Systems consisting of interacting agents are prevalent in the world, ranging from dynamical systems in physics to complex biological networks. To build systems which can interact robustly in the real world, it is thus important to be able to infer the precise interactions governing such systems. Existing approaches typically discover such interactions by explicitly modeling the feed-forward dynamics of the trajectories. In this work, we propose Neural Interaction Inference with Potentials (NIIP) as an alternative approach to discover such interactions that enables greater flexibility in trajectory modeling: it discovers a set of relational potentials, represented as energy functions, which when minimized reconstruct the original trajectory. NIIP assigns low energy to the subset of trajectories which respect the relational constraints observed. We illustrate that with these representations NIIP displays unique capabilities in test-time. First, it allows trajectory manipulation, such as interchanging interaction types across separately trained models, as well as trajectory forecasting. Additionally, it allows adding external hand-crafted potentials at test-time. Finally, NIIP enables the detection of out-of-distribution samples and anomalies without explicit training.

Thu 27 July 18:32 - 18:40 PDT

Memory-Based Dual Gaussian Processes for Sequential Learning

Paul Chang · Prakhar Verma · ST John · Arno Solin · Khan Emtiyaz

Sequential learning with Gaussian processes (GPs) is challenging when access to past data is limited, for example, in continual and active learning. In such cases, errors can accumulate over time due to inaccuracies in the posterior, hyperparameters, and inducing points, making accurate learning challenging. Here, we present a method to keep all such errors in check using the recently proposed dual sparse variational GP. Our method enables accurate inference for generic likelihoods and improves learning by actively building and updating a memory of past data. We demonstrate its effectiveness in several applications involving Bayesian optimization, active learning, and continual learning.

Thu 27 July 18:40 - 18:48 PDT

H-Likelihood Approach to Deep Neural Networks with Temporal-Spatial Random Effects for High-Cardinality Categorical Features

Hangbin Lee · Youngjo Lee

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are one of the most powerful tools for prediction, but many of them implicitly assume that the data are statistically independent. However, in the real world, it is common for large-scale data to be clustered with temporal-spatial correlation structures. Variational approaches and integrated likelihood approaches have been proposed to obtain approximate maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) for correlated data. However, due to the large size of data, they cannot provide exact MLEs. In this study, we propose a new hierarchical likelihood approach to DNNs with correlated random effects for clustered data. By jointly optimizing the the negative h-likelihood loss, we can provide exact MLEs for both mean and dispersion parameters, as well as the best linear unbiased predictors for the random effects. Moreover, the hierarchical likelihood allows a computable procedure for restricted maximum likelihood estimators of dispersion parameters. The proposed two-step algorithm enables online learning for the neural networks, whereas the integrated likelihood cannot decompose like a widely-used loss function in DNNs. The proposed h-likelihood approach offers several advantages, which we demonstrate through numerical studies and real data analyses.

Thu 27 July 18:48 - 18:56 PDT

Generalized Teacher Forcing for Learning Chaotic Dynamics

Florian Hess · Zahra Monfared · Manuel Brenner · Daniel Durstewitz

Chaotic dynamical systems (DS) are ubiquitous in nature and society. Often we are interested in reconstructing such systems from observed time series for prediction or mechanistic insight, where by reconstruction we mean learning geometrical and invariant temporal properties of the system in question (like attractors). However, training reconstruction algorithms like recurrent neural networks (RNNs) on such systems by gradient-descent based techniques faces severe challenges. This is mainly due to exploding gradients caused by the exponential divergence of trajectories in chaotic systems. Moreover, for (scientific) interpretability we wish to have as low dimensional reconstructions as possible, preferably in a model which is mathematically tractable. Here we report that a surprisingly simple modification of teacher forcing leads to provably strictly all-time bounded gradients in training on chaotic systems, and, when paired with a simple architectural rearrangement of a tractable RNN design, piecewise-linear RNNs (PLRNNs), allows for faithful reconstruction in spaces of at most the dimensionality of the observed system. We show on several DS that with these amendments we can reconstruct DS better than current SOTA algorithms, in much lower dimensions. Performance differences were particularly compelling on real world data with which most other methods severely struggled. This work thus led to a simple yet powerful DS reconstruction algorithm which is highly interpretable at the same time.

Thu 27 July 18:56 - 19:04 PDT

Gaussian Process Priors for Systems of Linear Partial Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients

Marc Harkonen · Markus Lange-Hegermann · Bogdan Raita

Partial differential equations (PDEs) are important tools to model physical systems and including them into machine learning models is an important way of incorporating physical knowledge. Given any system of linear PDEs with constant coefficients, we propose a family of Gaussian process (GP) priors, which we call EPGP, such that all realizations are exact solutions of this system. We apply the Ehrenpreis-Palamodov fundamental principle, which works as a non-linear Fourier transform, to construct GP kernels mirroring standard spectral methods for GPs. Our approach can infer probable solutions of linear PDE systems from any data such as noisy measurements, or pointwise defined initial and boundary conditions. Constructing EPGP-priors is algorithmic, generally applicable, and comes with a sparse version (S-EPGP) that learns the relevant spectral frequencies and works better for big data sets. We demonstrate our approach on three families of systems of PDEs, the heat equation, wave equation, and Maxwell's equations, where we improve upon the state of the art in computation time and precision, in some experiments by several orders of magnitude.

Thu 27 July 19:04 - 19:12 PDT

Spherical Fourier Neural Operators: Learning Stable Dynamics on the Sphere

Boris Bonev · Thorsten Kurth · Christian Hundt · Jaideep Pathak · Maximilian Baust · Karthik Kashinath · Anima Anandkumar

Fourier Neural Operators (FNOs) have proven to be an efficient and effective method for resolution-independent operator learning in a broad variety of application areas across scientific machine learning. A key reason for their success is their ability to accurately model long-range dependencies in spatio-temporal data by learning global convolutions in a computationally efficient manner. To this end, FNOs rely on the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), however, DFTs cause visual and spectral artifacts as well as pronounced dissipation when learning operators in spherical coordinates by incorrectly assuming flat geometry. To overcome this limitation, we generalize FNOs on the sphere, introducing Spherical FNOs (SFNOs) for learning operators on spherical geometries. We apply SFNOs to forecasting atmo- spheric dynamics, and demonstrate stable autoregressive rollouts for a year of simulated time (1,460 steps), while retaining physically plausible dynamics. The SFNO has important implications for machine learning-based simulation of climate dynamics that could eventually help accelerate our response to climate change.

Thu 27 July 19:12 - 19:20 PDT

Learning Control-Oriented Dynamical Structure from Data

Spencer M. Richards · Jean-Jacques Slotine · Navid Azizan · Marco Pavone

Even for known nonlinear dynamical systems, feedback controller synthesis is a difficult problem that often requires leveraging the particular structure of the dynamics to induce a stable closed-loop system. For general nonlinear models, including those fit to data, there may not be enough known structure to reliably synthesize a stabilizing feedback controller. In this paper, we discuss a state-dependent nonlinear tracking controller formulation based on a state-dependent Riccati equation for general nonlinear control-affine systems. This formulation depends on a nonlinear factorization of the system of vector fields defining the control-affine dynamics, which always exists under mild smoothness assumptions. We propose a method for learning this factorization from a finite set of data. On a variety of simulated nonlinear dynamical systems, we empirically demonstrate the efficacy of learned versions of this controller in stable trajectory tracking. Alongside our learning method, we evaluate recent ideas in jointly learning a controller and stabilizability certificate for known dynamical systems; we show experimentally that such methods can be frail in comparison.