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Oral A5 Reinforcement Learning 1

Ballroom B

Moderator: Amy Zhang

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Tue 25 July 20:30 - 20:38 PDT

Do the Rewards Justify the Means? Measuring Trade-Offs Between Rewards and Ethical Behavior in the Machiavelli Benchmark

Alexander Pan · Jun Shern Chan · Andy Zou · Nathaniel Li · Steven Basart · Thomas Woodside · Hanlin Zhang · Scott Emmons · Dan Hendrycks

Artificial agents have traditionally been trained to maximize reward, which may incentivize power-seeking and deception, analogous to how next-token prediction in language models (LMs) may incentivize toxicity. So do agents naturally learn to be Machiavellian? And how do we measure these behaviors in general-purpose models such as GPT-4? Towards answering these questions, we introduce Machiavelli, a benchmark of 134 Choose-Your-Own-Adventure games containing over half a million rich, diverse scenarios that center on social decision-making. Scenario labeling is automated with LMs, which are more performant than human annotators. We mathematize dozens of harmful behaviors and use our annotations to evaluate agents' tendencies to be power-seeking, cause disutility, and commit ethical violations. We observe some tension between maximizing reward and behaving ethically. To improve this trade-off, we investigate LM-based methods to steer agents towards less harmful behaviors. Our results show that agents can both act competently and morally, so concrete progress can currently be made in machine ethics--designing agents that are Pareto improvements in both safety and capabilities.

Tue 25 July 20:38 - 20:46 PDT

Information-Theoretic State Space Model for Multi-View Reinforcement Learning

HyeongJoo Hwang · Seokin Seo · Youngsoo Jang · Sungyoon Kim · Geon-Hyeong Kim · Seunghoon Hong · Kee-Eung Kim

Multi-View Reinforcement Learning (MVRL) seeks to find an optimal control for an agent given multi-view observations from various sources. Despite recent advances in multi-view learning that aim to extract the latent representation from multi-view data, it is not straightforward to apply them to control tasks, especially when the observations are temporally dependent on one another. The problem can be even more challenging if the observations are intermittently missing for a subset of views. In this paper, we introduce Fuse2Control (F2C), an information-theoretic approach to capturing the underlying state space model from the sequences of multi-view observations. We conduct an extensive set of experiments in various control tasks showing that our method is highly effective in aggregating task-relevant information across many views, that scales linearly with the number of views while retaining robustness to arbitrary missing view scenarios.

Tue 25 July 20:46 - 20:54 PDT

Reparameterized Policy Learning for Multimodal Trajectory Optimization

Zhiao Huang · Litian Liang · Zhan Ling · Xuanlin Li · Chuang Gan · Hao Su

We investigate the challenge of parametrizing policies for reinforcement learning (RL) in high-dimensional continuous action spaces. Our objective is to develop a multimodal policy that overcomes limitations inherent in the commonly-used Gaussian parameterization. To achieve this, we propose a principled framework that models the continuous RL policy as a generative model of optimal trajectories. By conditioning the policy on a latent variable, we derive a novel variational bound as the optimization objective, which promotes exploration of the environment. We then present a practical model-based RL method, called Reparameterized Policy Gradient (RPG), which leverages the multimodal policy parameterization and learned world model to achieve strong exploration capabilities and high data efficiency. Empirical results demonstrate that our method can help agents evade local optima in tasks with dense rewards and solve challenging sparse-reward environments by incorporating an object-centric intrinsic reward. Our method consistently outperforms previous approaches across a range of tasks. Code and supplementary materials are available on the project page

Tue 25 July 20:54 - 21:02 PDT

Representation Learning with Multi-Step Inverse Kinematics: An Efficient and Optimal Approach to Rich-Observation RL

Zakaria Mhammedi · Dylan Foster · Alexander Rakhlin

We study the design of sample-efficient algorithms for reinforcement learning in the presence of rich, high-dimensional observations, formalized via the Block MDP problem. Existing algorithms suffer from either 1) computational intractability, 2) strong statistical assumptions that are not necessarily satisfied in practice, or 3) suboptimal sample complexity. We address these issues by providing the first computationally efficient algorithm that attains rate-optimal sample complexity with respect to the desired accuracy level, with minimal statistical assumptions. Our algorithm, MusIK, combines exploration with representation learning based on multi-step inverse kinematics, a learning objective in which the aim is to predict the current action from the current observation and observations in the (potentially distant) future. MusIK is simple and flexible, and can efficiently take advantage of general-purpose function approximation. Our analysis of MusIK leverages several new techniques tailored to non-optimistic algorithms for reward-free exploration, which we anticipate will find broader use.

Tue 25 July 21:02 - 21:10 PDT

Subequivariant Graph Reinforcement Learning in 3D Environments

Runfa Chen · Jiaqi Han · Fuchun Sun · Wenbing Huang

Learning a shared policy that guides the locomotion of different agents is of core interest in Reinforcement Learning (RL), which leads to the study of morphology-agnostic RL. However, existing benchmarks are highly restrictive in the choice of starting point and target point, constraining the movement of the agents within 2D space. In this work, we propose a novel setup for morphology-agnostic RL, dubbed Subequivariant Graph RL in 3D environments (3D-SGRL). Specifically, we first introduce a new set of more practical yet challenging benchmarks in 3D space that allows the agent to have full Degree-of-Freedoms to explore in arbitrary directions starting from arbitrary configurations. Moreover, to optimize the policy over the enlarged state-action space, we propose to inject geometric symmetry, i.e., subequivariance, into the modeling of the policy and Q-function such that the policy can generalize to all directions, improving exploration efficiency. This goal is achieved by a novel SubEquivariant Transformer (SET) that permits expressive message exchange. Finally, we evaluate the proposed method on the proposed benchmarks, where our method consistently and significantly outperforms existing approaches on single-task, multi-task, and zero-shot generalization scenarios. Extensive ablations are also conducted to verify our design.

Tue 25 July 21:10 - 21:18 PDT

A Study of Global and Episodic Bonuses for Exploration in Contextual MDPs

Mikael Henaff · Minqi Jiang · Roberta Raileanu

Exploration in environments which differ across episodes has received increasing attention in recent years. Current methods use some combination of global novelty bonuses, computed using the agent's entire training experience, and episodic novelty bonuses, computed using only experience from the current episode. However, the use of these two types of bonuses has been ad-hoc and poorly understood. In this work, we shed light on the behavior of these two types of bonuses through controlled experiments on easily interpretable tasks as well as challenging pixel-based settings. We find that the two types of bonuses succeed in different settings, with episodic bonuses being most effective when there is little shared structure across episodes and global bonuses being effective when more structure is shared. We develop a conceptual framework which makes this notion of shared structure precise by considering the variance of the value function across contexts, and which provides a unifying explanation of our empirical results. We furthermore find that combining the two bonuses can lead to more robust performance across different degrees of shared structure, and investigate different algorithmic choices for defining and combining global and episodic bonuses based on function approximation. This results in an algorithm which sets a new state of the art across 16 tasks from the MiniHack suite used in prior work, and also performs robustly on Habitat and Montezuma's Revenge.

Tue 25 July 21:18 - 21:26 PDT

Warm-Start Actor-Critic: From Approximation Error to Sub-optimality Gap

Hang Wang · Sen Lin · Junshan Zhang

Warm-Start reinforcement learning (RL), aided by a prior policy obtained from offline training, is emerging as a promising RL approach for practical applications. Recent empirical studies have demonstrated that the performance of Warm-Start RL can be improved quickly in some cases but become stagnant in other cases, especially when the function approximation is used. To this end, the primary objective of this work is to build a fundamental understanding on ''whether and when online learning can be significantly accelerated by a warm-start policy from offline RL?''. Specifically, we consider the widely used Actor-Critic (A-C) method with a prior policy. We first quantify the approximation errors in the Actor update and the Critic update, respectively. Next, we cast the Warm-Start A-C algorithm as Newton's method with perturbation, and study the impact of the approximation errors on the finite-time learning performance with inaccurate Actor/Critic updates. Under some general technical conditions, we derive the upper bounds, which shed light on achieving the desired finite-learning performance in the Warm-Start A-C algorithm. In particular, our findings reveal that it is essential to reduce the algorithm bias in online learning. We also obtain lower bounds on the sub-optimality gap of the Warm-Start A-C algorithm to quantify the impact of the bias and error propagation.

Tue 25 July 21:26 - 21:34 PDT

Efficient RL via Disentangled Environment and Agent Representations

Kevin Gmelin · Shikhar Bahl · Russell Mendonca · Deepak Pathak

Agents that are aware of the separation between the environments and themselves can leverage this understanding to form effective representations of visual input. We propose an approach for learning such structured representations for RL algorithms, using visual knowledge of the agent, which is often inexpensive to obtain, such as its shape or mask. This is incorporated into the RL objective using a simple auxiliary loss. We show that our method, SEAR (Structured Environment-Agent Representations), outperforms state-of-the-art model-free approaches over 18 different challenging visual simulation environments spanning 5 different robots.

Tue 25 July 21:34 - 21:42 PDT

Flipping Coins to Estimate Pseudocounts for Exploration in Reinforcement Learning

Sam Lobel · Akhil Bagaria · George Konidaris

We propose a new method for count-based exploration in high-dimensional state spaces. Unlike previous work which relies on density models, we show that counts can be derived by averaging samples from the Rademacher distribution (or coin flips). This insight is used to set up a simple supervised learning objective which, when optimized, yields a state's visitation count. We show that our method is significantly more effective at deducing ground-truth visitation counts than previous work; when used as an exploration bonus for a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm, it outperforms existing approaches on most of 9 challenging exploration tasks, including the Atari game Montezuma's Revenge.

Tue 25 July 21:42 - 21:50 PDT

On the Statistical Benefits of Temporal Difference Learning

David Cheikhi · Daniel Russo

Given a dataset on actions and resulting long-term rewards, a direct estimation approach fits value functions that minimize prediction error on the training data. Temporal difference learning (TD) methods instead fit value functions by minimizing the degree of temporal inconsistency between estimates made at successive time-steps. Focusing on finite state Markov chains, we provide a crisp asymptotic theory of the statistical advantages of this approach. First, we show that an intuitive inverse trajectory pooling coefficient completely characterizes the percent reduction in mean-squared error of value estimates. Depending on problem structure, the reduction could be enormous or nonexistent. Next, we prove that there can be dramatic improvements in estimates of the difference in value-to-go for two states: TD's errors are bounded in terms of a novel measure -- the problem's trajectory crossing time -- which can be much smaller than the problem's time horizon.