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Workshop: Structured Probabilistic Inference and Generative Modeling

Variational Point Encoding Deformation for Dental Modeling

Johan Ye · Thomas Ørkild · Peter Søndergard · Søren Hauberg

Keywords: [ Representation Learning ] [ variational autoencoder ] [ shape completion ] [ Point cloud ] [ point cloud reconstruction ]


We introduce VF-Net, a probabilistic extension of FoldingNet, for learning representations of point cloud data. VF-Net overcomes the limitations of existing models by incorporating a 1-to-1 mapping between input and output points. By eliminating the need for Chamfer distance optimization, this approach enables the development of a fully probabilistic model. We demonstrate that VF-Net outperforms other models in dental reconstruction tasks, including shape completion and tooth wear simulation. The learned latent representations exhibit robustness and enable meaningful interpolation between dental scans.

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