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Workshop: Knowledge and Logical Reasoning in the Era of Data-driven Learning

Open Visual Knowledge Extraction via Relation-Oriented Multimodality Model Prompting

Hejie Cui · Xinyu Fang · Zihan Zhang · Ran Xu · Xuan Kan · Xin Liu · Manling Li · Yangqiu Song · Carl Yang


Images contain rich relational knowledge that can help machines understand the world. Existing methods on visual knowledge extraction often rely on the pre-defined format (e.g., sub-verb-obj tuples) or vocabulary (e.g., relation types), restricting the expressiveness of the extracted knowledge. In this work, we take a first exploration to a new paradigm of open visual knowledge extraction. To achieve this, we present OpenVik which consists of an open relational region detector to detect regions potentially containing relational knowledge and a visual knowledge generator that generates format-free knowledge by prompting the large multimodality model with the detected region of interest. We also explore two data enhancement techniques for diversifying the generated format-free visual knowledge. Extensive knowledge quality evaluations highlight the correctness and uniqueness of the extracted open visual knowledge by OpenVik. Moreover, integrating our extracted knowledge across various visual reasoning applications shows consistent improvements, indicating the real-world applicability of OpenVik.

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