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Workshop: Localized Learning: Decentralized Model Updates via Non-Global Objectives

Decentralized Plasticity in Reservoir Dynamical Networks for Pervasive Environments

Valerio De Caro · Davide Bacciu · Claudio Gallicchio

Keywords: [ pervasive AI ] [ echo state networks ] [ homeostatic plasticity ] [ intrinsic plasticity ] [ localised learning ] [ reservoir computing ]


We propose a framework for localized learning with Reservoir Computing dynamical neural systems in pervasive environments, where data is distributed and dynamic. We use biologically plausible intrinsic plasticity (IP) learning to optimize the non-linearity of system dynamics based on local objectives, and extend it to account for data uncertainty. We develop two algorithms for federated and continual learning, FedIP and FedCLIP, which respectively extend IP to client-server topologies and to prevent catastrophic forgetting in streaming data scenarios. Results on real-world datasets from human monitoring show that our approach improves performance and robustness, while preserving privacy and efficiency.

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