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DL: Algorithms

Room 301 - 303

Moderator: Alexandru Tifrea

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Wed 20 July 13:30 - 13:35 PDT

The Infinite Contextual Graph Markov Model

Daniele Castellana · Federico Errica · Davide Bacciu · Alessio Micheli

The Contextual Graph Markov Model (CGMM) is a deep, unsupervised, and probabilistic model for graphs that is trained incrementally on a layer-by-layer basis. As with most Deep Graph Networks, an inherent limitation is the need to perform an extensive model selection to choose the proper size of each layer's latent representation. In this paper, we address this problem by introducing the Infinite Contextual Graph Markov Model (iCGMM), the first deep Bayesian nonparametric model for graph learning. During training, iCGMM can adapt the complexity of each layer to better fit the underlying data distribution.On 8 graph classification tasks, we show that iCGMM: i) successfully recovers or improves CGMM's performances while reducing the hyper-parameters' search space; ii) performs comparably to most end-to-end supervised methods. The results include studies on the importance of depth, hyper-parameters, and compression of the graph embeddings. We also introduce a novel approximated inference procedure that better deals with larger graph topologies.

Wed 20 July 13:35 - 13:40 PDT

RankSim: Ranking Similarity Regularization for Deep Imbalanced Regression

Yu Gong · Greg Mori · Frederick Tung

Data imbalance, in which a plurality of the data samples come from a small proportion of labels, poses a challenge in training deep neural networks. Unlike classification, in regression the labels are continuous, potentially boundless, and form a natural ordering. These distinct features of regression call for new techniques that leverage the additional information encoded in label-space relationships. This paper presents the RankSim (ranking similarity) regularizer for deep imbalanced regression, which encodes an inductive bias that samples that are closer in label space should also be closer in feature space. In contrast to recent distribution smoothing based approaches, RankSim captures both nearby and distant relationships: for a given data sample, RankSim encourages the sorted list of its neighbors in label space to match the sorted list of its neighbors in feature space. RankSim is complementary to conventional imbalanced learning techniques, including re-weighting, two-stage training, and distribution smoothing, and lifts the state-of-the-art performance on three imbalanced regression benchmarks: IMDB-WIKI-DIR, AgeDB-DIR, and STS-B-DIR.

Wed 20 July 13:40 - 13:45 PDT

Detached Error Feedback for Distributed SGD with Random Sparsification

An Xu · Heng Huang

The communication bottleneck has been a critical problem in large-scale distributed deep learning. In this work, we study distributed SGD with random block-wise sparsification as the gradient compressor, which is ring-allreduce compatible and highly computation-efficient but leads to inferior performance. To tackle this important issue, we improve the communication-efficient distributed SGD from a novel aspect, that is, the trade-off between the variance and second moment of the gradient. With this motivation, we propose a new detached error feedback (DEF) algorithm, which shows better convergence bound than error feedback for non-convex problems. We also propose DEF-A to accelerate the generalization of DEF at the early stages of the training, which shows better generalization bounds than DEF. Furthermore, we establish the connection between communication-efficient distributed SGD and SGD with iterate averaging (SGD-IA) for the first time. Extensive deep learning experiments show significant empirical improvement of the proposed methods under various settings. Our reproducible codes and scripts for all experiments in this work will be made publicly available.

Wed 20 July 13:45 - 13:50 PDT

Training OOD Detectors in their Natural Habitats

Julian Katz-Samuels · Julia Nakhleh · Robert Nowak · Yixuan Li

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is important for machine learning models deployed in the wild. Recent methods use auxiliary outlier data to regularize the model for improved OOD detection. However, these approaches make a strong distributional assumption that the auxiliary outlier data is completely separable from the in-distribution (ID) data. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that leverages wild mixture data---that naturally consists of both ID and OOD samples. Such wild data is abundant and arises freely upon deploying a machine learning classifier in their natural habitats. Our key idea is to formulate a constrained optimization problem and to show how to tractably solve it. Our learning objective maximizes the OOD detection rate, subject to constraints on the classification error of ID data and on the OOD error rate of ID examples. We extensively evaluate our approach on common OOD detection tasks and demonstrate superior performance. Code is available at

Wed 20 July 13:50 - 13:55 PDT

Constrained Gradient Descent: A Powerful and Principled Evasion Attack Against Neural Networks

Weiran Lin · Keane Lucas · Lujo Bauer · Michael Reiter · Mahmood Sharif

We propose new, more efficient targeted white-box attacks against deep neural networks. Our attacks better align with the attacker's goal: (1) tricking a model to assign higher probability to the target class than to any other class, while (2) staying within an $\epsilon$-distance of the attacked input. First, we demonstrate a loss function that explicitly encodes (1) and show that Auto-PGD finds more attacks with it. Second, we propose a new attack method, Constrained Gradient Descent (CGD), usinga refinement of our loss function that captures both (1) and (2).CGD seeks to satisfyboth attacker objectives---misclassification and bounded $\ell_{p}$-norm---ina principled manner, as part of the optimization, instead of via ad hocpost-processing techniques (e.g., projection or clipping).We show that CGD is more successful on CIFAR10(0.9--4.2\%) and ImageNet (8.6--13.6\%) than state-of-the-art attacks while consuming less time (11.4--18.8\%). Statistical testsconfirm that our attack outperforms others against leading defenses on different datasets and values of $\epsilon$.

Wed 20 July 13:55 - 14:00 PDT

Neural Tangent Kernel Empowered Federated Learning

Kai Yue · Richeng Jin · Ryan Pilgrim · Chau-Wai Wong · Dror Baron · Huaiyu Dai

Federated learning (FL) is a privacy-preserving paradigm where multiple participants jointly solve a machine learning problem without sharing raw data. Unlike traditional distributed learning, a unique characteristic of FL is statistical heterogeneity, namely, data distributions across participants are different from each other. Meanwhile, recent advances in the interpretation of neural networks have seen a wide use of neural tangent kernels (NTKs) for convergence analyses. In this paper, we propose a novel FL paradigm empowered by the NTK framework. The paradigm addresses the challenge of statistical heterogeneity by transmitting update data that are more expressive than those of the conventional FL paradigms. Specifically, sample-wise Jacobian matrices, rather than model weights/gradients, are uploaded by participants. The server then constructs an empirical kernel matrix to update a global model without explicitly performing gradient descent. We further develop a variant with improved communication efficiency and enhanced privacy. Numerical results show that the proposed paradigm can achieve the same accuracy while reducing the number of communication rounds by an order of magnitude compared to federated averaging.

Wed 20 July 14:00 - 14:05 PDT

Probabilistically Robust Learning: Balancing Average- and Worst-case Performance

Alex Robey · Luiz F. O. Chamon · George J. Pappas · Hamed Hassani

Many of the successes of machine learning are based on minimizing an averaged loss function. However, it is well-known that this paradigm suffers from robustness issues that hinder its applicability in safety-critical domains. These issues are often addressed by training against worst-case perturbations of data, a technique known as adversarial training. Although empirically effective, adversarial training can be overly conservative, leading to unfavorable trade-offs between nominal performance and robustness. To this end, in this paper we propose a framework called probabilistic robustness that bridges the gap between the accurate, yet brittle average case and the robust, yet conservative worst case by enforcing robustness to most rather than to all perturbations. From a theoretical point of view, this framework overcomes the trade-offs between the performance and the sample-complexity of worst-case and average-case learning. From a practical point of view, we propose a novel algorithm based on risk-aware optimization that effectively balances average- and worst-case performance at a considerably lower computational cost relative to adversarial training. Our results on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and SVHN illustrate the advantages of this framework on the spectrum from average- to worst-case robustness. Our code is available at:

Wed 20 July 14:05 - 14:25 PDT

Adversarially trained neural representations are already as robust as biological neural representations

Chong Guo · Michael Lee · Guillaume Leclerc · Joel Dapello · Yug Rao · Aleksander Madry · James DiCarlo

Visual systems of primates are the gold standard of robust perception. There is thus a general belief that mimicking the neural representations that underlie those systems will yield artificial visual systems that are adversarially robust. In this work,we develop a method for performing adversarial visual attacks directly on primate brain activity. We then leverage this method to demonstrate that the above-mentioned belief might not be well-founded. Specifically, we report that the biological neurons that make up visual systems of primates exhibit susceptibility to adversarial perturbations that is comparable in magnitude to existing (robustly trained) artificial neural networks.

Wed 20 July 14:25 - 14:30 PDT

Feature Space Particle Inference for Neural Network Ensembles

Shingo Yashima · Teppei Suzuki · Kohta Ishikawa · Ikuro Sato · Rei Kawakami

Ensembles of deep neural networks demonstrate improved performance over single models. For enhancing the diversity of ensemble members while keeping their performance, particle-based inference methods offer a promising approach from a Bayesian perspective. However, the best way to apply these methods to neural networks is still unclear: seeking samples from the weight-space posterior suffers from inefficiency due to the over-parameterization issues, while seeking samples directly from the function-space posterior often leads to serious underfitting. In this study, we propose to optimize particles in the feature space where activations of a specific intermediate layer lie to alleviate the abovementioned difficulties. Our method encourages each member to capture distinct features, which are expected to increase the robustness of the ensemble prediction. Extensive evaluation on real-world datasets exhibits that our model significantly outperforms the gold-standard Deep Ensembles on various metrics, including accuracy, calibration, and robustness.

Wed 20 July 14:30 - 14:35 PDT

A Study on the Ramanujan Graph Property of Winning Lottery Tickets

Bithika Pal · Arindam Biswas · Sudeshna Kolay · Pabitra Mitra · Biswajit Basu

Winning lottery tickets refer to sparse subgraphs of deep neural networks which have classification accuracy close to the original dense networks. Resilient connectivity properties of such sparse networks play an important role in their performance. The attempt is to identify a sparse and yet well-connected network to guarantee unhindered information flow. Connectivity in a graph is best characterized by its spectral expansion property. Ramanujan graphs are robust expanders which lead to sparse but highly-connected networks, and thus aid in studying the winning tickets. A feedforward neural network consists of a sequence of bipartite graphs representing its layers. We analyze the Ramanujan graph property of such bipartite layers in terms of their spectral characteristics using the Cheeger’s inequality for irregular graphs. It is empirically observed that the winning ticket networks preserve the Ramanujan graph property and achieve a high accuracy even when the layers are sparse. Accuracy and robustness to noise start declining as many of the layers lose the property. Next we find a robust winning lottery ticket by pruning individual layers while retaining their respective Ramanujan graph property. This strategy is observed to improve the performance of existing network pruning algorithms.

Wed 20 July 14:35 - 14:40 PDT

PAC-Net: A Model Pruning Approach to Inductive Transfer Learning

Sanghoon Myung · In Huh · Wonik Jang · Jae Myung Choe · Jisu Ryu · Daesin Kim · Kee-Eung Kim · Changwook Jeong

Inductive transfer learning aims to learn from a small amount of training data for the target task by utilizing a pre-trained model from the source task. Most strategies that involve large-scale deep learning models adopt initialization with the pre-trained model and fine-tuning for the target task. However, when using over-parameterized models, we can often prune the model without sacrificing the accuracy of the source task. This motivates us to adopt model pruning for transfer learning with deep learning models. In this paper, we propose PAC-Net, a simple yet effective approach for transfer learning based on pruning. PAC-Net consists of three steps: Prune, Allocate, and Calibrate (PAC). The main idea behind these steps is to identify essential weights for the source task, fine-tune on the source task by updating the essential weights, and then calibrate on the target task by updating the remaining redundant weights. Under the various and extensive set of inductive transfer learning experiments, we show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance by a large margin.

Wed 20 July 14:40 - 14:45 PDT

EDEN: Communication-Efficient and Robust Distributed Mean Estimation for Federated Learning

Shay Vargaftik · Ran Ben Basat · Amit Portnoy · Gal Mendelson · Yaniv Ben Itzhak · Michael Mitzenmacher

Distributed Mean Estimation (DME) is a central building block in federated learning, where clients send local gradients to a parameter server for averaging and updating the model. Due to communication constraints, clients often use lossy compression techniques to compress the gradients, resulting in estimation inaccuracies. DME is more challenging when clients have diverse network conditions, such as constrained communication budgets and packet losses. In such settings, DME techniques often incur a significant increase in the estimation error leading to degraded learning performance.In this work, we propose a robust DME technique named EDEN that naturally handles heterogeneous communication budgets and packet losses. We derive appealing theoretical guarantees for EDEN and evaluate it empirically. Our results demonstrate that EDEN consistently improves over state-of-the-art DME techniques.

Wed 20 July 14:45 - 14:50 PDT

Fisher SAM: Information Geometry and Sharpness Aware Minimisation

Minyoung Kim · Da Li · Xu Hu · Timothy Hospedales

Recent sharpness-aware minimisation (SAM) is known to find flat minima which is beneficial for better generalisation with improved robustness. SAM essentially modifies the loss function by the maximum loss value within the small neighborhood around the current iterate. However, it uses the Euclidean ball to define the neighborhood, which can be less accurate since loss functions for neural networks are typically defined over probability distributions (e.g., class predictive probabilities), rendering the parameter space no more Euclidean. In this paper we consider the information geometry of the model parameter space when defining the neighborhood, namely replacing SAM's Euclidean balls with ellipsoids induced by the Fisher information. Our approach, dubbed Fisher SAM, defines more accurate neighborhood structures that conform to the intrinsic metric of the underlying statistical manifold. For instance, SAM may probe the worst-case loss value at either a too nearby or inappropriately distant point due to the ignorance of the parameter space geometry, which is avoided by our Fisher SAM. Another recent Adaptive SAM approach that stretches/shrinks the Euclidean ball in accordance with the scales of the parameter magnitudes, might be dangerous, potentially destroying the neighborhood structure even severely. We demonstrate the improved performance of the proposed Fisher SAM on several benchmark datasets/tasks.

Wed 20 July 14:50 - 14:55 PDT

Deep Networks on Toroids: Removing Symmetries Reveals the Structure of Flat Regions in the Landscape Geometry

Fabrizio Pittorino · Antonio Ferraro · Gabriele Perugini · Christoph Feinauer · Carlo Baldassi · RIccardo Zecchina

We systematize the approach to the investigation of deep neural network landscapes by basing it on the geometry of the space of implemented functions rather than the space of parameters. Grouping classifiers into equivalence classes, we develop a standardized parameterization in which all symmetries are removed, resulting in a toroidal topology. On this space, we explore the error landscape rather than the loss. This lets us derive a meaningful notion of the flatness of minimizers and of the geodesic paths connecting them. Using different optimization algorithms that sample minimizers with different flatness we study the mode connectivity and relative distances. Testing a variety of state-of-the-art architectures and benchmark datasets, we confirm the correlation between flatness and generalization performance; we further show that in function space flatter minima are closer to each other and that the barriers along the geodesics connecting them are small. We also find that minimizers found by variants of gradient descent can be connected by zero-error paths composed of two straight lines in parameter space, i.e. polygonal chains with a single bend. We observe similar qualitative results in neural networks with binary weights and activations, providing one of the first results concerning the connectivity in this setting. Our results hinge on symmetry removal, and are in remarkable agreement with the rich phenomenology described by some recent analytical studies performed on simple shallow models.

Wed 20 July 14:55 - 15:00 PDT

Towards Understanding Sharpness-Aware Minimization

Maksym Andriushchenko · Nicolas Flammarion

Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) is a recent training method that relies on worst-case weight perturbations which significantly improves generalization in various settings. We argue that the existing justifications for the success of SAM which are based on a PAC-Bayes generalization bound and the idea of convergence to flat minima are incomplete. Moreover, there are no explanations for the success of using m-sharpness in SAM which has been shown as essential for generalization. To better understand this aspect of SAM, we theoretically analyze its implicit bias for diagonal linear networks. We prove that SAM always chooses a solution that enjoys better generalization properties than standard gradient descent for a certain class of problems, and this effect is amplified by using m-sharpness. We further study the properties of the implicit bias on non-linear networks empirically, where we show that fine-tuning a standard model with SAM can lead to significant generalization improvements. Finally, we provide convergence results of SAM for non-convex objectives when used with stochastic gradients. We illustrate these results empirically for deep networks and discuss their relation to the generalization behavior of SAM. The code of our experiments is available at