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DL: Robustness

Room 318 - 320

Moderator: Christopher A. Choquette Choo

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Wed 20 July 10:15 - 10:20 PDT

Generating Distributional Adversarial Examples to Evade Statistical Detectors

Yigitcan Kaya · Muhammad Bilal Zafar · Sergul Aydore · Nathalie Rauschmayr · Krishnaram Kenthapadi

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are known to be highly vulnerable to adversarial examples (AEs) that include malicious perturbations. Assumptions about the statistical differences between natural and adversarial inputs are commonplace in many detection techniques. As a best practice, AE detectors are evaluated against 'adaptive' attackers who actively perturb their inputs to avoid detection. Due to the difficulties in designing adaptive attacks, however, recent work suggests that most detectors have incomplete evaluation. We aim to fill this gap by designing a generic adaptive attack against detectors: the 'statistical indistinguishability attack' (SIA). SIA optimizes a novel objective to craft adversarial examples (AEs) that follow the same distribution as the natural inputs with respect to DNN representations. Our objective targets all DNN layers simultaneously as we show that AEs being indistinguishable at one layer might fail to be so at other layers. SIA is formulated around evading distributional detectors that inspect a set of AEs as a whole and is also effective against four individual AE detectors, two dataset shift detectors, and an out-of-distribution sample detector, curated from published works. This suggests that SIA can be a reliable tool for evaluating the security of a range of detectors.

Wed 20 July 10:20 - 10:25 PDT

Improving Out-of-Distribution Robustness via Selective Augmentation

Huaxiu Yao · Yu Wang · Sai Li · Linjun Zhang · Weixin Liang · James Zou · Chelsea Finn

Machine learning algorithms typically assume that training and test examples are drawn from the same distribution. However, distribution shift is a common problem in real-world applications and can cause models to perform dramatically worse at test time. In this paper, we specifically consider the problems of subpopulation shifts (e.g., imbalanced data) and domain shifts. While prior works often seek to explicitly regularize internal representations or predictors of the model to be domain invariant, we instead aim to learn invariant predictors without restricting the model's internal representations or predictors. This leads to a simple mixup-based technique which learns invariant predictors via selective augmentation called LISA. LISA selectively interpolates samples either with the same labels but different domains or with the same domain but different labels. Empirically, we study the effectiveness of LISA on nine benchmarks ranging from subpopulation shifts to domain shifts, and we find that LISA consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art methods and leads to more invariant predictors. We further analyze a linear setting and theoretically show how LISA leads to a smaller worst-group error.

Wed 20 July 10:25 - 10:30 PDT

Modeling Adversarial Noise for Adversarial Training

Dawei Zhou · Nannan Wang · Bo Han · Tongliang Liu

Deep neural networks have been demonstrated to be vulnerable to adversarial noise, promoting the development of defense against adversarial attacks. Motivated by the fact that adversarial noise contains well-generalizing features and that the relationship between adversarial data and natural data can help infer natural data and make reliable predictions, in this paper, we study to model adversarial noise by learning the transition relationship between adversarial labels (i.e. the flipped labels used to generate adversarial data) and natural labels (i.e. the ground truth labels of the natural data). Specifically, we introduce an instance-dependent transition matrix to relate adversarial labels and natural labels, which can be seamlessly embedded with the target model (enabling us to model stronger adaptive adversarial noise). Empirical evaluations demonstrate that our method could effectively improve adversarial accuracy.

Wed 20 July 10:30 - 10:35 PDT

Improving Adversarial Robustness via Mutual Information Estimation

Dawei Zhou · Nannan Wang · Xinbo Gao · Bo Han · Xiaoyu Wang · Yibing Zhan · Tongliang Liu

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are found to be vulnerable to adversarial noise. They are typically misled by adversarial samples to make wrong predictions. To alleviate this negative effect, in this paper, we investigate the dependence between outputs of the target model and input adversarial samples from the perspective of information theory, and propose an adversarial defense method. Specifically, we first measure the dependence by estimating the mutual information (MI) between outputs and the natural patterns of inputs (called natural MI) and MI between outputs and the adversarial patterns of inputs (called adversarial MI), respectively. We find that adversarial samples usually have larger adversarial MI and smaller natural MI compared with those w.r.t. natural samples. Motivated by this observation, we propose to enhance the adversarial robustness by maximizing the natural MI and minimizing the adversarial MI during the training process. In this way, the target model is expected to pay more attention to the natural pattern that contains objective semantics. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that our method could effectively improve the adversarial accuracy against multiple attacks.

Wed 20 July 10:35 - 10:40 PDT

FOCUS: Familiar Objects in Common and Uncommon Settings

Priyatham Kattakinda · Soheil Feizi

Standard training datasets for deep learning often do not contain objects in uncommon and rare settings (e.g., “a plane on water”, “a car in snowy weather”). This can cause models trained on these datasets to incorrectly predict objects that are typical for the context in the image, rather than identifying the objects that are actually present. In this paper, we introduce FOCUS (Familiar Objects in Common and Uncommon Settings), a dataset for stress-testing the generalization power of deep image classifiers. By leveraging the power of modern search engines, we deliberately gather data containing objects in common and uncommon settings; in a wide range of locations, weather conditions, and time of day. We present a detailed analysis of the performance of various popular image classifiers on our dataset and demonstrate a clear drop in accuracy when classifying images in uncommon settings. We also show that finetuning a model on our dataset drastically improves its ability to focus on the object of interest leading to better generalization. Lastly, we leverage FOCUS to machine annotate additional visual attributes for the entirety of ImageNet. We believe that our dataset will aid researchers in understanding the inability of deep models to generalize well to uncommon settings and drive future work on improving their distributional robustness.

Wed 20 July 10:40 - 10:45 PDT

Query-Efficient and Scalable Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Discrete Sequential Data via Bayesian Optimization

Deokjae Lee · Seungyong Moon · Junhyeok Lee · Hyun Oh Song

We focus on the problem of adversarial attacks against models on discrete sequential data in the black-box setting where the attacker aims to craft adversarial examples with limited query access to the victim model. Existing black-box attacks, mostly based on greedy algorithms, find adversarial examples using pre-computed key positions to perturb, which severely limits the search space and might result in suboptimal solutions. To this end, we propose a query-efficient black-box attack using Bayesian optimization, which dynamically computes important positions using an automatic relevance determination (ARD) categorical kernel. We introduce block decomposition and history subsampling techniques to improve the scalability of Bayesian optimization when an input sequence becomes long. Moreover, we develop a post-optimization algorithm that finds adversarial examples with smaller perturbation size. Experiments on natural language and protein classification tasks demonstrate that our method consistently achieves higher attack success rate with significant reduction in query count and modification rate compared to the previous state-of-the-art methods.

Wed 20 July 10:45 - 10:50 PDT

Test-Time Training Can Close the Natural Distribution Shift Performance Gap in Deep Learning Based Compressed Sensing

Mohammad Zalbagi Darestani · Jiayu Liu · Reinhard Heckel

Deep learning based image reconstruction methods outperform traditional methods. However, neural networks suffer from a performance drop when applied to images from a different distribution than the training images. For example, a model trained for reconstructing knees in accelerated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) does not reconstruct brains well, even though the same network trained on brains reconstructs brains perfectly well. Thus there is a distribution shift performance gap for a given neural network, defined as the difference in performance when training on a distribution $P$ and training on another distribution $Q$, and evaluating both models on $Q$. In this work, we propose a domain adaptation method for deep learning based compressive sensing that relies on self-supervision during training paired with test-time training at inference. We show that for four natural distribution shifts, this method essentially closes the distribution shift performance gap for state-of-the-art architectures for accelerated MRI.

Wed 20 July 10:50 - 11:10 PDT

A Dynamical System Perspective for Lipschitz Neural Networks

Laurent Meunier · Blaise Delattre · Alexandre ARAUJO · Alexandre Allauzen

The Lipschitz constant of neural networks has been established as a key quantity to enforce the robustness to adversarial examples. In this paper, we tackle the problem of building $1$-Lipschitz Neural Networks. By studying Residual Networks from a continuous time dynamical system perspective, we provide a generic method to build $1$-Lipschitz Neural Networks and show that some previous approaches are special cases of this framework. Then, we extend this reasoning and show that ResNet flows derived from convex potentials define $1$-Lipschitz transformations, that lead us to define the {\em Convex Potential Layer} (CPL). A comprehensive set of experiments on several datasets demonstrates the scalability of our architecture and the benefits as an $\ell_2$-provable defense against adversarial examples. Our code is available at \url{}

Wed 20 July 11:10 - 11:15 PDT

Data Determines Distributional Robustness in Contrastive Language Image Pre-training (CLIP)

Alex Fang · Gabriel Ilharco · Mitchell Wortsman · Yuhao Wan · Vaishaal Shankar · Achal Dave · Ludwig Schmidt

Contrastively trained language-image models such as CLIP, ALIGN, and BASIC have demonstrated unprecedented robustness to multiple challenging natural distribution shifts. Since these language-image models differ from previous training approaches in several ways, an important question is what causes the large robustness gains. We answer this question via a systematic experimental investigation. Concretely, we study five different possible causes for the robustness gains: (i) the training set size, (ii) the training distribution, (iii) language supervision at training time, (iv) language supervision at test time, and (v) the contrastive loss function. Our experiments show that the more diverse training distribution is the main cause for the robustness gains, with the other factors contributing little to no robustness. Beyond our experimental results, we also introduce ImageNet-Captions, a version of ImageNet with original text annotations from Flickr, to enable further controlled experiments of language-image training.

Wed 20 July 11:15 - 11:20 PDT

Neurotoxin: Durable Backdoors in Federated Learning

Zhengming Zhang · Ashwinee Panda · Linyue Song · Yaoqing Yang · Michael Mahoney · Prateek Mittal · Kannan Ramchandran · Joseph E Gonzalez

Federated learning (FL) systems have an inherent vulnerability to adversarial backdoor attacks during training due to their decentralized nature. The goal of the attacker is to implant backdoors in the learned model with poisoned updates such that at test time, the model's outputs can be fixed to a given target for certain inputs (e.g., if a user types people from New York'' into a mobile keyboard app that uses a backdoored next word prediction model, the model will autocomplete their sentence topeople in New York are rude''). Prior work has shown that backdoors can be inserted in FL, but these backdoors are not durable: they do not remain in the model after the attacker stops uploading poisoned updates because training continues, and in production FL systems an inserted backdoor may not survive until deployment. We propose Neurotoxin, a simple one-line backdoor attack that functions by attacking parameters that are changed less in magnitude during training. We conduct an exhaustive evaluation across ten natural language processing and computer vision tasks and find that we can double the durability of state of the art backdoors by adding a single line with Neurotoxin.

Wed 20 July 11:20 - 11:25 PDT

Bayesian Learning with Information Gain Provably Bounds Risk for a Robust Adversarial Defense

Bao Gia Doan · Ehsan Abbasnejad · Javen Qinfeng Shi · Damith Ranashinghe

We present a new algorithm to learn a deep neural network model robust against adversarial attacks. Previous algorithms demonstrate an adversarially trained Bayesian Neural Network (BNN) provides improved robustness. We recognize the learning approach for approximating the multi-modal posterior distribution of an adversarially trained Bayesian model can lead to mode collapse; consequently, the model's achievements in robustness and performance are sub-optimal. Instead, we first propose preventing mode collapse to better approximate the multi-modal posterior distribution. Second, based on the intuition that a robust model should ignore perturbations and only consider the informative content of the input, we conceptualize and formulate an information gain objective to measure and force the information learned from both benign and adversarial training instances to be similar. Importantly. we prove and demonstrate that minimizing the information gain objective allows the adversarial risk to approach the conventional empirical risk. We believe our efforts provide a step towards a basis for a principled method of adversarially training BNNs. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate significantly improved robustness up to 20% compared with adversarial training and Adv-BNN under PGD attacks with 0.035 distortion on both CIFAR-10 and STL-10 dataset.

Wed 20 July 11:25 - 11:30 PDT

Maximum Likelihood Training for Score-based Diffusion ODEs by High Order Denoising Score Matching

Cheng Lu · Kaiwen Zheng · Fan Bao · Jianfei Chen · Chongxuan Li · Jun Zhu

Score-based generative models have excellent performance in terms of generation quality and likelihood. They model the data distribution by matching a parameterized score network with first-order data score functions. The score network can be used to define an ODE (``score-based diffusion ODE'') for exact likelihood evaluation. However, the relationship between the likelihood of the ODE and the score matching objective is unclear. In this work, we prove that matching the first-order score is not sufficient to maximize the likelihood of the ODE, by showing a gap between the maximum likelihood and score matching objectives. To fill up this gap, we show that the negative likelihood of the ODE can be bounded by controlling the first, second, and third-order score matching errors; and we further present a novel high-order denoising score matching method to enable maximum likelihood training of score-based diffusion ODEs. Our algorithm guarantees that the higher-order matching error is bounded by the training error and the lower-order errors. We empirically observe that by high-order score matching, score-based diffusion ODEs achieve better likelihood on both synthetic data and CIFAR-10, while retaining the high generation quality.

Wed 20 July 11:30 - 11:35 PDT

Fast Lossless Neural Compression with Integer-Only Discrete Flows

Siyu Wang · Jianfei Chen · Chongxuan Li · Jun Zhu · Bo Zhang

By applying entropy codecs with learned data distributions, neural compressors have significantly outperformed traditional codecs in terms of compression ratio. However, the high inference latency of neural networks hinders the deployment of neural compressors in practical applications. In this work, we propose Integer-only Discrete Flows (IODF) an efficient neural compressor with integer-only arithmetic. Our work is built upon integer discrete flows, which consists of invertible transformations between discrete random variables. We propose efficient invertible transformations with integer-only arithmetic based on 8-bit quantization. Our invertible transformation is equipped with learnable binary gates to remove redundant filters during inference. We deploy IODF with TensorRT on GPUs, achieving $10\times$ inference speedup compared to the fastest existing neural compressors, while retaining the high compression rates on ImageNet32 and ImageNet64.

Wed 20 July 11:35 - 11:40 PDT

SQ-VAE: Variational Bayes on Discrete Representation with Self-annealed Stochastic Quantization

Yuhta Takida · Takashi Shibuya · WeiHsiang Liao · Chieh-Hsin Lai · Junki Ohmura · Toshimitsu Uesaka · Naoki Murata · Shusuke Takahashi · Toshiyuki Kumakura · Yuki Mitsufuji

One noted issue of vector-quantized variational autoencoder (VQ-VAE) is that the learned discrete representation uses only a fraction of the full capacity of the codebook, also known as codebook collapse. We hypothesize that the training scheme of VQ-VAE, which involves some carefully designed heuristics, underlies this issue. In this paper, we propose a new training scheme that extends the standard VAE via novel stochastic dequantization and quantization, called stochastically quantized variational autoencoder (SQ-VAE). In SQ-VAE, we observe a trend that the quantization is stochastic at the initial stage of the training but gradually converges toward a deterministic quantization, which we call self-annealing. Our experiments show that SQ-VAE improves codebook utilization without using common heuristics. Furthermore, we empirically show that SQ-VAE is superior to VAE and VQ-VAE in vision- and speech-related tasks.

Wed 20 July 11:40 - 11:45 PDT

SCHA-VAE: Hierarchical Context Aggregation for Few-Shot Generation

Giorgio Giannone · Ole Winther

A few-shot generative model should be able to generate data from a novel distribution by only observing a limited set of examples. In few-shot learning the model is trained on data from many sets from distributions sharing some underlying properties such as sets of characters from different alphabets or objects from different categories. We extend current latent variable models for sets to a fully hierarchical approach with an attention-based point to set-level aggregation and call our method SCHA-VAE for Set-Context-Hierarchical-Aggregation Variational Autoencoder. We explore likelihood-based model comparison, iterative data sampling, and adaptation-free out-of-distribution generalization. Our results show that the hierarchical formulation better captures the intrinsic variability within the sets in the small data regime. This work generalizes deep latent variable approaches to few-shot learning, taking a step toward large-scale few-shot generation with a formulation that readily works with current state-of-the-art deep generative models.