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Smoothed Adaptive Weighting for Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning: Improve Reliability Against Unknown Distribution Data

Zhengfeng Lai · Chao Wang · Henrry Gunawan · Senching Cheung · Chen-Nee Chuah

Hall E #537

Keywords: [ APP: Genetics, Cell Biology, etc ] [ APP: Health ] [ MISC: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning ]


Despite recent promising results on semi-supervised learning (SSL), data imbalance, particularly in the unlabeled dataset, could significantly impact the training performance of a SSL algorithm if there is a mismatch between the expected and actual class distributions. The efforts on how to construct a robust SSL framework that can effectively learn from datasets with unknown distributions remain limited. We first investigate the feasibility of adding weights to the consistency loss and then we verify the necessity of smoothed weighting schemes. Based on this study, we propose a self-adaptive algorithm, named Smoothed Adaptive Weighting (SAW). SAW is designed to enhance the robustness of SSL by estimating the learning difficulty of each class and synthesizing the weights in the consistency loss based on such estimation. We show that SAW can complement recent consistency-based SSL algorithms and improve their reliability on various datasets including three standard datasets and one gigapixel medical imaging application without making any assumptions about the distribution of the unlabeled set.

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