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Workshop: Beyond Bayes: Paths Towards Universal Reasoning Systems

P37: Structured, Flexible, and Robust: Benchmarking and Improving Large Language Models Towards More Human-like Behavior in Out-of-Distribution Reasoning Tasks

Jiahai Feng


Authors: Katherine M. Collins, Catherine Wong, Jiahei Feng, Megan Wei, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

Abstract: Human language offers a powerful window into our thoughts -- we tell stories, give explanations, and express our beliefs and goals through words. Abundant evidence also suggests that language plays a developmental role in structuring our learning. Here, we ask: how much of human-like thinking can be captured by learning statistical patterns in language alone? We first contribute a new challenge benchmark for comparing humans and distributional large language models (LLMs). Our benchmark contains two problem-solving domains (planning and explanation generation) and is designed to require generalization to new, out-of-distribution problems expressed in language. We find that humans are far more robust than LLMs on this benchmark. Next, we propose a hybrid Parse-and-Solve model, which augments distributional LLMs with a structured symbolic reasoning module. We find that this model shows more robust adaptation to out-of-distribution planning problems, demonstrating the promise of hybrid AI models for more human-like reasoning.

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