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Workshop: Continuous Time Perspectives in Machine Learning

A Multistep Frank-Wolfe Method

zhaoyue chen · Yifan Sun

Abstract: The Frank-Wolfe algorithm has regained much interest in its use in structurally constrained machine learning applications. However, one major limitation of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm is the slow local convergence property due to the zig-zagging behavior. We observe the zig-zagging phenomenon in the Frank-Wolfe method as an artifact of discretization, and propose multistep Frank-Wolfe variants where the truncation errors decay as $O(\Delta^p)$, where $p$ is the method's order. This strategy "stabilizes" the method, and allows tools like line search and momentum to have more benefit. However, our results suggest that the worst case convergence rate of Runge-Kutta-type discretization schemes cannot improve upon that of the vanilla Frank-Wolfe method for a rate depending on $k$. Still, we believe that this analysis adds to the growing knowledge of flow analysis for optimization methods, and is a cautionary tale on the ultimate usefulness of multistep methods.

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