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ICML Virtual Only (formerly Vienna)
The Thirty-Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning


We're pleased to announce the invited speakers and panelists as well as the Test of Time and Outstanding paper award recipients for ICML 2020! The test of time talk will be live on Monday!

Black Lives Matter

The ICML community mourns George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and countless other victims of police brutality and racial violence across the world.  Black Lives Matter.  We will deepen our partnership with Black in AI at ICML, and we share its goals of increasing participation of Black researchers in the field of AI. We affirm our commitment to investing in a future of machine learning research where Black researchers are empowered.

ICML 2020 Conference Dates

  Sun EXPO Day
  Mon Tutorials and Test-of-Time Award
  Tue-Thr Main Conference and Invited Talks
  Fri-Sat Workshops


Our Partners

ICML would like to acknowledge the contribution of Hendrik Strobelt and Sasha Rush for helping to adopt their MiniConf system to the  ICML 2020 Virtual Site. 

We would also like to for handling streaming and and video recording for our thousands of presentations and Zoom for handling our live interactions.  

(18 May 2020) Results of virtualization survey availabile.

(30 May 2020) Announcement: Plan for how ICML 2020's Virtual Schedule will work (and rationale) released!


The ICML 2020 Sponsor Portal opened on Monday, April 6, 2020. Sponsors at the Platinum level can apply to participate in the EXPO.  Application due date is Friday, June 5 and notification by June 14th.

View ICML 2020 sponsors

2020 ICML Organizing Committee

General Chair:
David Blei (Columbia University)
Program Chairs:
Hal Daumé III (University of Maryland, Microsoft Research)
Aarti Singh (Carnegie Mellon University)
Workshop Chairs:
Emtiyaz Khan (RIKEN)
Po-ling Loh (University of Wisconsin)
Tutorial Chairs:
Alessandra Tosi (Mind Foundry)
Xiaojin (Jerry) Zhu (University of Wisconsin)
Diversity & Inclusion Chairs:
Barbara Engelhardt (Princeton University)
John Cunningham (Columbia University)
Newcomers Chairs:
Matthias Seeger (Amazon)
Sinead Williamson (University of Texas at Austin)
Sponsorship Chairs:
Simon Lacoste-Julien (Université de Montréal)
Caroline Uhler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Publications Chairs:
Alexandre Bouchard-Côté (University of British Columbia)
Samory Kpotufe (Columbia University)
Press Chairs:
Varun Kanade (Oxford University)
Stefanie Jegelka (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Workflow Chairs:
Ivan Stelmakh (Carnegie Mellon University)
Zhenyu (Sherry) Xue (Salk Institute)
EXPO Chairs:
Andrew G. Wilson (New York University)
Marc Deisenroth (University College London)
Virtual Chairs:
Louvere Walker-Hannon (Mathworks)
Anoush Najarian (MathWorks)

Social Chairs:                                                                                        
Olga Isupova (University of Bath)
Adam White (Google)

Technical Staff: 

Mary Ellen Perry (Salk)Brad Brockmeyer (Salk)
Lee Campbell (Salk)
Tony Manzo (Salk)
Hendrik Strobelt (IBM)
Sherry Xue (Salk)


ICML is made possible by the hard work of the whole community, including a large team of reviewers, meta-reviewers, and expert reviewers. Reviewers are essential to selecting a good program, and to providing constructive feedback to authors. A huge thank you to all reviewers for their hard work from the program chairs.