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Oral B5 Self/Semi-Supervised Learning and Interpretability / Observing Aspects of NN

Ballroom B

Moderator: Brian Kulis

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Wed 26 July 19:00 - 19:08 PDT

RankMe: Assessing the Downstream Performance of Pretrained Self-Supervised Representations by Their Rank

Quentin Garrido · Randall Balestriero · Laurent Najman · Yann LeCun

Joint-Embedding Self Supervised Learning (JE-SSL) has seen a rapid development, with the emergence of many method variations but only few principled guidelines that would help practitioners to successfully deploy them. The main reason for that pitfall comes from JE-SSL's core principle of not employing any input reconstruction therefore lacking visual cues of unsuccessful training. Adding non informative loss values to that, it becomes difficult to deploy SSL on a new dataset for which no labels can help to judge the quality of the learned representation. In this study, we develop a simple unsupervised criterion that is indicative of the quality of the learned JE-SSL representations: their effective rank. Albeit simple and computationally friendly, this method ---coined RankMe--- allows one to assess the performance of JE-SSL representations, even on different downstream datasets, without requiring any labels. A further benefit of RankMe is that it does not have any training or hyper-parameters to tune. Through thorough empirical experiments involving hundreds of training episodes, we demonstrate how RankMe can be used for hyperparameter selection with nearly no reduction in final performance compared to the current selection method that involve a dataset's labels. We hope that RankMe will facilitate the deployment of JE-SSL towards domains that do not have the opportunity to rely on labels for representations' quality assessment.

Wed 26 July 19:08 - 19:16 PDT

Evaluating Self-Supervised Learning via Risk Decomposition

Yann Dubois · Tatsunori Hashimoto · Percy Liang

Self-supervised learning (SSL) is typically evaluated using a single metric (linear probing on ImageNet), which neither provides insight into tradeoffs between models nor highlights how to improve them. To address this, we propose an SSL risk decomposition, which generalizes the classical approximation-estimation decomposition. Our decomposition consists of four error terms: approximation, representation usability, probe generalization, and encoder generalization. We provide efficient estimators for each term and use them to analyze the effect of 30 design choices on 169 SSL vision models evaluated on ImageNet. Our analysis gives valuable insights for designing and using SSL models. For example, it highlights the main source of errors and shows how to improve SSL in specific settings (full- vs few-shot) by trading off error components.

Wed 26 July 19:16 - 19:24 PDT

BEATs: Audio Pre-Training with Acoustic Tokenizers

Sanyuan Chen · Yu Wu · Chengyi Wang · Shujie Liu · Daniel Tompkins · Zhuo Chen · Wanxiang Che · Xiangzhan Yu · Furu Wei

We introduce a self-supervised learning (SSL) framework BEATs for general audio representation pre-training, where we optimize an acoustic tokenizer and an audio SSL model by iterations. Unlike the previous audio SSL models that employ reconstruction loss for pre-training, our audio SSL model is trained with the discrete label prediction task, where the labels are generated by a semantic-rich acoustic tokenizer. We propose an iterative pipeline to jointly optimize the tokenizer and the pre-trained model, aiming to abstract high-level semantics and discard the redundant details for audio. The experimental results demonstrate our acoustic tokenizers can generate discrete labels with rich audio semantics and our audio SSL models achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) results across various audio classification benchmarks, even outperforming previous models that use more training data and model parameters significantly. Specifically, we set a new SOTA mAP 50.6% on AudioSet-2M without using any external data, and 98.1% accuracy on ESC-50. The code and pre-trained models are available at

Wed 26 July 19:24 - 19:32 PDT

Efficient Self-supervised Learning with Contextualized Target Representations for Vision, Speech and Language

Alexei Baevski · Arun Babu · Wei-Ning Hsu · Michael Auli

Current self-supervised learning algorithms are often modality-specific and require large amounts of computational resources. To address these issues, we increase the training efficiency of data2vec, a learning objective that generalizes across several modalities. We do not encode masked tokens, use a fast convolutional decoder and amortize the effort to build teacher representations. data2vec 2.0 benefits from the rich contextualized target representations introduced in data2vec which enable a fast self-supervised learner. Experiments on ImageNet-1K image classification show that data2vec 2.0 matches the accuracy of Masked Autoencoders in 16.4x lower pre-training time, on Librispeech speech recognition it performs as well as wav2vec 2.0 in 10.6x less time, and on GLUE natural language understanding it matches a retrained RoBERTa model in half the time. Trading some speed for accuracy results in ImageNet-1K top-1 accuracy of 86.8% with a ViT-L model trained for 150 epochs.

Wed 26 July 19:32 - 19:40 PDT

Bidirectional Adaptation for Robust Semi-Supervised Learning with Inconsistent Data Distributions

Lin-Han Jia · Lan-Zhe Guo · Zhi Zhou · Jie-Jing Shao · Yuke Xiang · Yu-Feng Li

Semi-supervised learning (SSL) suffers from severe performance degradation when labeled and unlabeled data come from inconsistent data distributions. However, there is still a lack of sufficient theoretical guidance on how to alleviate this problem. In this paper, we propose a general theoretical framework that demonstrates how distribution discrepancies caused by pseudo-label predictions and target predictions can lead to severe generalization errors. Through theoretical analysis, we identify three main reasons why previous SSL algorithms cannot perform well with inconsistent distributions: coupling between the pseudo-label predictor and the target predictor, biased pseudo labels, and restricted sample weights. To address these challenges, we introduce a practical framework called Bidirectional Adaptation that can adapt to the distribution of unlabeled data for debiased pseudo-label prediction and to the target distribution for debiased target prediction, thereby mitigating these shortcomings. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.

Wed 26 July 19:40 - 19:48 PDT

TRAK: Attributing Model Behavior at Scale

Sung Min (Sam) Park · Kristian Georgiev · Andrew Ilyas · Guillaume Leclerc · Aleksander Madry

The goal of data attribution is to trace model predictions back to training data. Despite a long line of work towards this goal, existing approaches to data attribution tend to force users to choose between computational tractability and efficacy. That is, computationally tractable methods can struggle with accurately attributing model predictions in non-convex settings (e.g., in the context of deep neural networks), while methods that are effective in such regimes require training thousands of models, which makes them impractical for large models or datasets. In this work, we introduce TRAK (Tracing with the Randomly-projected After Kernel), a data attribution method that is both effective and computationally tractable for large-scale, differentiable models. In particular, by leveraging only a handful of trained models, TRAK can match the performance of attribution methods that require training thousands of models. We demonstrate the utility of TRAK across various modalities and scales: image classifiers trained on ImageNet, vision-language models (CLIP), and language models (BERT and mT5). We provide code for using TRAK (and reproducing our work) at .

Wed 26 July 19:48 - 19:56 PDT

Understanding Plasticity in Neural Networks

Clare Lyle · Zeyu Zheng · Evgenii Nikishin · Bernardo Avila Pires · Razvan Pascanu · Will Dabney

Plasticity, the ability of a neural network to quickly change its predictions in response to new information, is essential for the adaptability and robustness of deep reinforcement learning systems. Deep neural networks are known to lose plasticity over the course of training even in relatively simple learning problems, but the mechanisms driving this phenomenon are still poorly understood. This paper conducts a systematic empirical analysis into plasticity loss, with the goal of understanding the phenomenon mechanistically in order to guide the future development of targeted solutions. We find that loss of plasticity is deeply connected to changes in the curvature of the loss landscape, but that it often occurs in the absence of saturated units. Based on this insight, we identify a number of parameterization and optimization design choices which enable networks to better preserve plasticity over the course of training. We validate the utility of these findings on larger-scale RL benchmarks in the Arcade Learning Environment.

Wed 26 July 19:56 - 20:04 PDT

Fundamental Limits of Two-layer Autoencoders, and Achieving Them with Gradient Methods

Aleksandr Shevchenko · Kevin Kögler · Hamed Hassani · Marco Mondelli

Autoencoders are a popular model in many branches of machine learning and lossy data compression. However, their fundamental limits, the performance of gradient methods and the features learnt during optimization remain poorly understood, even in the two-layer setting. In fact, earlier work has considered either linear autoencoders or specific training regimes (leading to vanishing or diverging compression rates). Our paper addresses this gap by focusing on non-linear two-layer autoencoders trained in the challenging proportional regime in which the input dimension scales linearly with the size of the representation. Our results characterize the minimizers of the population risk, and show that such minimizers are achieved by gradient methods; their structure is also unveiled, thus leading to a concise description of the features obtained via training. For the special case of a sign activation function, our analysis establishes the fundamental limits for the lossy compression of Gaussian sources via (shallow) autoencoders. Finally, while the results are proved for Gaussian data, numerical simulations on standard datasets display the universality of the theoretical predictions.

Wed 26 July 20:04 - 20:12 PDT

Random Classification Noise does not defeat All Convex Potential Boosters Irrespective of Model Choice

Yishay Mansour · Richard Nock · Robert C. Williamson

A landmark negative result of Long and Servedio has had a considerable impact on research and development in boosting algorithms, around the now famous tagline that "noise defeats all convex boosters". In this paper, we appeal to the half-century+ founding theory of losses for class probability estimation, an extension of Long and Servedio's results and a new general convex booster to demonstrate that the source of their negative result is in fact the model class, linear separators. Losses or algorithms are neither to blame. This leads us to a discussion on an otherwise praised aspect of ML, parameterisation.

Wed 26 July 20:12 - 20:20 PDT

Brauer's Group Equivariant Neural Networks

Edward Pearce-Crump

We provide a full characterisation of all of the possible group equivariant neural networks whose layers are some tensor power of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ for three symmetry groups that are missing from the machine learning literature: $O(n)$, the orthogonal group; $SO(n)$, the special orthogonal group; and $Sp(n)$, the symplectic group. In particular, we find a spanning set of matrices for the learnable, linear, equivariant layer functions between such tensor power spaces in the standard basis of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ when the group is $O(n)$ or $SO(n)$, and in the symplectic basis of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ when the group is $Sp(n)$.