Oral A1 Causal Learning, RL, Personalization
Exhibit Hall 2
Moderator: Yuxin Chen
Bayesian Design Principles for Frequentist Sequential Learning
Yunbei Xu · Assaf Zeevi
We develop a general theory to optimize the frequentist regret for sequential learning problems, where efficient bandit and reinforcement learning algorithms can be derived from unified Bayesian principles. We propose a novel optimization approach to create "algorithmic beliefs" at each round, and use Bayesian posteriors to make decisions. This is the first approach to make Bayesian-type algorithms prior-free and applicable to adversarial settings, in a generic and optimal manner. Moreover, the algorithms are simple and often efficient to implement. As a major application, we present a novel algorithm for multi-armed bandits that achieves the "best-of-all-worlds" empirical performance in the stochastic, adversarial, and non-stationary environments. And we illustrate how these principles can be used in linear bandits, convex bandits, and reinforcement learning.
Towards Theoretical Understanding of Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Alberto Maria Metelli · Filippo Lazzati · Marcello Restelli
Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) denotes a powerful family of algorithms for recovering a reward function justifying the behavior demonstrated by an expert agent. A well-known limitation of IRL is the ambiguity in the choice of the reward function, due to the existence of multiple rewards that explain the observed behavior. This limitation has been recently circumvented by formulating IRL as the problem of estimating the feasible reward set, i.e., the region of the rewards compatible with the expert's behavior. In this paper, we make a step towards closing the theory gap of IRL in the case of finite-horizon problems with a generative model. We start by formally introducing the problem of estimating the feasible reward set, the corresponding PAC requirement, and discussing the properties of particular classes of rewards. Then, we provide the first minimax lower bound on the sample complexity for the problem of estimating the feasible reward set of order ${\Omega}\left( \frac{H^3SA}{\epsilon^2} \left( \log \left(\frac{1}{\delta}\right) + S \right)\right)$, being $S$ and $A$ the number of states and actions respectively, $H$ the horizon, $\epsilon$ the desired accuracy, and $\delta$ the confidence. We analyze the sample complexity of a uniform sampling strategy (US-IRL), proving a matching upper bound up to logarithmic factors. Finally, we outline several open questions in IRL and propose future research directions.
On the Power of Pre-training for Generalization in RL: Provable Benefits and Hardness
Haotian Ye · Xiaoyu Chen · Liwei Wang · Simon Du
Generalization in Reinforcement Learning (RL) aims to train an agent during training that generalizes to the target environment. In this work, we first point out that RL generalization is fundamentally different from the generalization in supervised learning, and fine-tuning on the target environment is necessary for good test performance. Therefore, we seek to answer the following question: how much can we expect pre-training over training environments to be helpful for efficient and effective fine-tuning? On one hand, we give a surprising result showing that asymptotically, the improvement from pre-training is at most a constant factor. On the other hand, we show that pre-training can be indeed helpful in the non-asymptotic regime by designing a policy collection-elimination (PCE) algorithm and proving a distribution-dependent regret bound that is independent of the state-action space. We hope our theoretical results can provide insight towards understanding pre-training and generalization in RL.
Delayed Feedback in Kernel Bandits
Sattar Vakili · Danyal Ahmed · Alberto Bernacchia · Ciara Pike-Burke
Black box optimisation of an unknown function from expensive and noisy evaluations is a ubiquitous problem in machine learning, academic research and industrial production. An abstraction of the problem can be formulated as a kernel based bandit problem (also known as Bayesian optimisation), where a learner aims at optimising a kernelized function through sequential noisy observations. The existing work predominantly assumes feedback is immediately available; an assumption which fails in many real world situations, including recommendation systems, clinical trials and hyperparameter tuning. We consider a kernel bandit problem under stochastically delayed feedback, and propose an algorithm with $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\left(\sqrt{\Gamma_k(T) T}+\mathbb{E}[\tau]\right)$ regret, where $T$ is the number of time steps, $\Gamma_k(T)$ is the maximum information gain of the kernel with $T$ observations, and $\tau$ is the delay random variable. This represents a significant improvement over the state of the art regret bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\left(\Gamma_k(T)\sqrt{ T}+\mathbb{E}[\tau]\Gamma_k(T)\right)$ reported in (Verma et al., 2022). In particular, for very non-smooth kernels, the information gain grows almost linearly in time, trivializing the existing results. We also validate our theoretical results with simulations.
Provably Learning Object-Centric Representations
Jack Brady · Roland S. Zimmermann · Yash Sharma · Bernhard Schölkopf · Julius von Kügelgen · Wieland Brendel
Learning structured representations of the visual world in terms of objects promises to significantly improve the generalization abilities of current machine learning models. While recent efforts to this end have shown promising empirical progress, a theoretical account of when unsupervised object-centric representation learning is possible is still lacking. Consequently, understanding the reasons for the success of existing object-centric methods as well as designing new theoretically grounded methods remains challenging. In the present work, we analyze when object-centric representations can provably be learned without supervision. To this end, we first introduce two assumptions on the generative process for scenes comprised of several objects, which we call compositionality and irreducibility. Under this generative process, we prove that the ground-truth object representations can be identified by an invertible and compositional inference model, even in the presence of dependencies between objects. We empirically validate our results through experiments on synthetic data. Finally, we provide evidence that our theory holds predictive power for existing object-centric models by showing a close correspondence between models' compositionality and invertibility and their empirical identifiability.
Task-specific experimental design for treatment effect estimation
Bethany Connolly · Kimberley Moore · Tobias Schwedes · Alexander Adam · Gary Willis · Ilya Feige · Christopher Frye
Understanding causality should be a core requirement of any attempt to build real impact through AI. Due to the inherent unobservability of counterfactuals, large randomised trials (RCTs) are the standard for causal inference. But large experiments are generically expensive, and randomisation carries its own costs, e.g. when suboptimal decisions are trialed. Recent work has proposed more sample-efficient alternatives to RCTs, but these are not adaptable to the downstream application for which the causal effect is sought. In this work, we develop a task-specific approach to experimental design and derive sampling strategies customised to particular downstream applications. Across a range of important tasks, real-world datasets, and sample sizes, our method outperforms other benchmarks, e.g. requiring an order-of-magnitude less data to match RCT performance on targeted marketing tasks.
Are labels informative in semi-supervised learning? Estimating and leveraging the missing-data mechanism.
Aude Sportisse · Hugo Schmutz · Olivier HUMBERT · Charles Bouveyron · Pierre-Alexandre Mattei
Semi-supervised learning is a powerful technique for leveraging unlabeled data to improve machine learning models, but it can be affected by the presence of ``informative" labels, which occur when some classes are more likely to be labeled than others. In the missing data literature, such labels are called missing not at random. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to address this issue by estimating the missing-data mechanism and using inverse propensity weighting to debias any SSL algorithm, including those using data augmentation. We also propose a likelihood ratio test to assess whether or not labels are indeed informative. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed methods on different datasets, in particular on two medical datasets for which we design pseudo-realistic missing data scenarios.
Interventional Causal Representation Learning
Kartik Ahuja · Divyat Mahajan · Yixin Wang · Yoshua Bengio
Causal representation learning seeks to extract high-level latent factors from low-level sensory data. Most existing methods rely on observational data and structural assumptions (e.g., conditional independence) to identify the latent factors. However, interventional data is prevalent across applications. Can interventional data facilitate causal representation learning? We explore this question in this paper. The key observation is that interventional data often carries geometric signatures of the latent factors' support (i.e. what values each latent can possibly take). For example, when the latent factors are causally connected, interventions can break the dependency between the intervened latents' support and their ancestors'. Leveraging this fact, we prove that the latent causal factors can be identified up to permutation and scaling given data from perfect do interventions. Moreover, we can achieve block affine identification, namely the estimated latent factors are only entangled with a few other latents if we have access to data from imperfect interventions. These results highlight the unique power of interventional data in causal representation learning; they can enable provable identification of latent factors without any assumptions about their distributions or dependency structure.
Returning The Favour: When Regression Benefits From Probabilistic Causal Knowledge
Shahine Bouabid · Jake Fawkes · Dino Sejdinovic
A directed acyclic graph (DAG) provides valuable prior knowledge that is often discarded in regression tasks in machine learning. We show that the independences arising from the presence of collider structures in DAGs provide meaningful inductive biases, which constrain the regression hypothesis space and improve predictive performance. We introduce collider regression, a framework to incorporate probabilistic causal knowledge from a collider in a regression problem. When the hypothesis space is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space, we prove a strictly positive generalisation benefit under mild assumptions and provide closed-form estimators of the empirical risk minimiser. Experiments on synthetic and climate model data demonstrate performance gains of the proposed methodology.
Sequential Underspecified Instrument Selection for Cause-Effect Estimation
Elisabeth Ailer · Jason Hartford · Niki Kilbertus
Instrumental variable (IV) methods are used to estimate causal effects in settings with unobserved confounding, where we cannot directly experiment on the treatment variable. Instruments are variables which only affect the outcome indirectly via the treatment variable(s). Most IV applications focus on low-dimensional treatments and crucially require at least as many instruments as treatments. This assumption is restrictive: in the natural sciences we often seek to infer causal effects of high-dimensional treatments (e.g., the effect of gene expressions or microbiota on health and disease), but can only run few experiments with a limited number of instruments (e.g., drugs or antibiotics). In such under-specified problems, the full treatment effect is not identifiable in a single experiment even in the linear case. We show that one can still reliably recover the projection of the treatment effect onto the instrumented subspace and develop techniques to consistently combine such partial estimates from different sets of instruments. We then leverage our combined estimators in an algorithm that iteratively proposes the most informative instruments at each round of experimentation to maximize the overall information about the full causal effect.