Loss functions serve as the foundation of supervised learning and are often chosen prior to model development. To avoid potentially ad hoc choices of losses, statistical decision theory describes a desirable property for losses known as *properness*, which asserts that Bayes' rule is optimal. Recent works have sought to *learn losses* and models jointly. Existing methods do this by fitting an inverse canonical link function which monotonically maps to to estimate probabilities for binary problems. In this paper, we extend monotonicity to maps between and the projected probability simplex by using monotonicity of gradients of convex functions. We present LegendreTron as a novel and practical method that jointly learns *proper canonical losses* and probabilities for multiclass problems. Tested on a benchmark of domains with up to 1,000 classes, our experimental results show that our method consistently outperforms the natural multiclass baseline under a -test at 99% significance on all datasets with greater than classes.
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