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Workshop: HiLD: High-dimensional Learning Dynamics Workshop

On the Problem of Transferring Learning Trajectories Between Neural Networks

Daiki Chijiwa


Training deep neural networks (DNNs) is computationally expensive, which is problematic especially when performing duplicated training runs, such as model ensemble or knowledge distillation. Once we have trained one DNN on some dataset, we have its learning trajectory (i.e., a sequence of intermediate parameters during training) which may potentially contain useful information for learning the dataset. However, there has been no attempt to utilize such information of a given learning trajectory for another training. In this paper, we formulate the problem of transferring a given learning trajectory from one initial parameter to another one, called learning transfer problem, and derive the first algorithm to approximately solve it by matching gradients successively along the trajectory via permutation symmetry. We empirically show that the transferred parameters achieve non-trivial accuracy before any direct training.

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