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Workshop: Localized Learning: Decentralized Model Updates via Non-Global Objectives

Dataset Pruning Using Early Exit Networks

Alperen Gormez · Erdem Koyuncu

Keywords: [ dataset pruning ] [ early exit networks ]


We present EEPrune, a novel dataset pruning algorithm that leverages early exit networks during training. EEPrune utilizes the innate ability of early exit networks to assess the difficulty of individual samples and applies different criteria to decide whether to prune them. Specifically, for a training sample to be discarded, the confidence level of the model at the early exit should be above a certain threshold, along with a correct classification at both the early exit and final layers.We describe several other variants of our EEPrune algorithm. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and Tiny Imagenet datasets demonstrate that EEPrune and its variations consistently outperform other dataset pruning methods.

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